Churches St Thomas

Grace Baptist Church

To impact the lost with the Gospel and empower believers to achieve successful Christ-like lifestyles.

We will reach the residents of the western part of St. Thomas by communicating the message of the Gospel and teaching the Scriptures in ways that are relevant to their personal lives, bringing all converts into a learning and worship environment that will unite them with other believers as it provides a channel for the continual strengthening of their faith, and ignites within them an enthusiasm to serve as life-examples of Jesus Christ in the church, their homes, workplaces, schools, and social gatherings.

We Are Committed To Teaching The Relevancy Of God’s Authoritative Word. We believe the Bible is our only standard for belief and lifestyle choices. It is our responsibility to teach the commands contained in the Scriptures and demonstrate how these truths are relevant to the believer’s daily activities.

We Are Committed To Providing A Sanctuary For Authentic Worship. We believe everyone in the body of Christ is saved to worship God. Authentic worship involves the whole person (body, intellect, emotion, and will) and should reflect God’s living and active presence in our lives. It is our responsibility to provide a refuge where believers can be revitalized as they worship God in spirit and truth.

We Are Committed To Promoting The Gospel Of Jesus Christ At Home And Aboard. We believe it is only through belief in the Lord Jesus Christ that an individual can receive God’s eternal gift of salvation. It is our responsibility as recipients of God’s saving grace to share the Gospel message with the lost in our community and to provide others with the means of fulfilling this ministry on a global scale.

We Are Committed To Equipping And Mobilizing Believers For Ministry Involvement. We believe everyone in the body of Christ has been uniquely designed to serve the Lord with their spiritual giftedness, talents, experience, and resources. It is our responsibility to help believers identify and use their abilities and resources for God’s glory.

We Are Committed To Maintaining A Covenant Of Unity With One Another. We believe the body of Christ can only be successful in all of its ministry endeavors when there is a bond of loving unity. It is our responsibility to provide avenues for shared interactions that will stimulate and strengthen our relationships with one another and protect us from all divisive threats.

3 replies on “Grace Baptist Church”

I’ll be getting married in the Virgin Islands on July 22,
I need to find someone to marry us what bible do you use?

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