Wednesday, March 06, 1996

US Virgin Islands 

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines 


Nazareth to Continue

The Appeals Court denied an injunction to construction of public housing in Nazareth. Attorney General Brady said there was no precident for denying citizens sanctuary from the ravages of a natural disaster. The Court was not going to set a prescident based on the homeless of St. Thomas.

Governor says – A Time to Heal

The Governor said this morning that neither side should consider this a victory, but that it is a time for reflection and that everyone should ask what they can do to help these new residents who are going to move to Nazareth.

Potter: Keep it Simple

Senator Potter thinks the Governor will veto the new definition of an Aboriginal Virgin Islander. He asks, why not a simple amendment to allow anyone “born here” to participate in the tier three casinos. Isn’t that simple?

The Smell…

Even the senate calendar refers to it as the stench. There are public hearings tonight at the legislature building about the smelly air near the sewage treatment plant, and the overall topic of sewage treatment in the territory. Senator Donastorg thinks the cruz bay plant is grossly undersized and should be replaced with a 220,000 gallon per day plant.

Trash Police

Watch out for the iguana standing beside the trash bin – he might be a police officer in a costume watching for you to litter. DPW says the Litter Enforcement Officers are out and they hit you with a $250 dollar ticket if you trash our island.

Cable to Rebuild

St. Thomas St. John cable says they have the gear to begin the total reconstruction of their cable plant. First its the new satellite dishes, then new fibre optic cables for the trunk lines. The new Cable system is state-of-the-art and will allow data transmission and telecommunications options. They are spending 10 million here on the cable plant.

Hot Line

There’s a new Hot Line for students opening. The number 777-1159. If you hear about violence about to happen, or a crime, or you have a problem at home or a crisis, you can call, talk, get help and keep it private. 777-1159.

Carnival Judges

Do you know how to get the best seats at Carnival – Be a judge. The Carnival Committee needs some judges. You should be knowledgable on music, costumes or speech. Call the committee at 776-3112.


  • Carnival Cultural Activities Committee is meeting Tonight at 6 at Emancipation Garden all interested in participating in the participating in the King and Queen competition must come and members of the committee.
  • St. Thomas St. John Literacy Link is looking for volunteers for their program. Stop by the office at the Day Educatopm Cemter on garden Street for info on training sessions 774-6899

Its vocational education month and Senator Gomez reminds you that there are hundreds of good jobs in the Virgin Islands for people trained in the vocational arts. Not everyone is going to college, nor are they interested. We have good vocational education and that’s good news for everyone.