Wednesday, April 08, 1998

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Brought to you by: Murphy’s Auto Parts, B&P Market, Island Block, Value Furniture and Discount Travel. Wherever you are planning to go, your travel dollar takes you further at Discount Travel. And Cobex Internet bringing the world of information to the Virgin Islands.

Coral World Releases Turtle

The Curator of Exhibits at Coral world says they are planning to release a rehabilitated Hawksbill Sea Turtle today. The turtle is an endangered species and this one was taken illegally as a hatchling on St. John. He spent 6 months in a tub being raised by a St. Thomas family. That family could face a 6 month jail stretch or $500 in fines for harboring the endangered special. It came to Coral world when it outgrew the tub. Coral World is a designated rehabilitation center for sea turtles. Even though Coral World is not yet open, they are active in working with endangered species.

Today’s Photo: Foliage at Hull Bay

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: 86 Degrees at 2 PM Skies: Sunny, Occasional Cloud Chance of Showers: 40%: Water Temp: Perfect Beach and Swimming Conditions: Perfect Sailing and Diving Conditions: World Class! Drinks: Ready for You!

Forecast Says Mild Hurricane Season

Dr Gray is the expert on hurricanes. And his forecast is the most widely read in the hurricane prediction business. Dr. Gray says in his April report statement that this year will be 10 named storms, six developing into hurricanes and two big ones that will cause damage. Will they come here, Can’t say, but a lot will depend on the state of El Nino. If it abates this summer, we will have a stronger season. If El Nino returns, the season will be mild.

Fishermen are Safe

They were missing off a fishing boat for 36 hours – lost between the US and British Virgin Islands after setting out on a 20 foot vessel. The search included St. Thomas Culebra and the British Virgin Islands and then they were found, on uninhabited Norman’s Island. The three swam to that island after the boat capsized – they are safe and in good condition. The Boat however is gone.

WTJX Waiting for Parts

WTJX is still off the air. They are waiting for a custom made part and expect it within a few days and this late news, they are expecting the gear on Friday and if all goes well WTJX should be back on the air on Monday. They thank all their loyal viewers for support while we are waiting for the parts.

Senate to Hold Hearings Today

The Senate is finally going to get to examine the Comprehensive Land Use Plan in a series of public hearings April 8 on St. John, The hearings move to St. Thomas on April 15th and on April 17th the hearings continue on St. Croix.

Committee on Education Passed Bills

Senate Committee on Education met yesterday and passed a bill to establish a Fish and Game Scholarship program for students involved in Marine Biology. They passed bills to establish a conflict resolution program, another will require every student to perform 10 hours of community service to graduate and they passed a mandatory swimming program. In other action, the committee approved a plan to let the Department of Education purchase its own supplies with fiscal autonomy.

Governor Schneider Vetoes Zoning Bill

The Governor vetoed the rezoning regarding the Skyline Drive property. The leg said there was no public hearing, yet the bill included two zoning changes without a public hearing. The Governor said, “What is good for the goose is good for the gander” The Governor signed bills to increase funding for computers in the Lieutenant Governor’s office, and increase appropriations for the Juan Luis Hospital. He approved the bill to end government paying the administrative costs of GERS. He signed the bill that requires the GERS, WICO and WAPA to contribute to the general fund. The Governor vetoed the bill regarding the burial of veteran’s spouses.

All Saints Took Quiz Bowl

The Battle of the Brains is over and the victors are the Vanguards of All Saints. After three days of competition, the All Saints Team was undefeated. This is two years in a right-of-way and it is the 5th win in 7 years.

Coming Up:

Elskoe And Associates Troupe leaders and all characters are meeting today at 6:00 PM at Mrs. Elskoe’s residence – This is a very important meeting. Special needs children have special needs and the Health Dept. is holding a special open house for parents of special needs children on April 8th at the Elainco Building across from Nisky center. Registration begins at 9:00 AM – ceremonies at 10:00 AM with exhibits opening at 10:30 AM 4:30 PM µ St. Thomas St. John Federation of Teachers are meeting for all Building reps at 4:30 PM at Palm Count Harborview 5:30 PM All Steel Bands directors are called to a special meeting at CAHS Music Suite. Gypsy Troupe will meet at 5:30 PM at American Legion Hall in Crown Bay – Bring your shoes. 7:00 PM – Car rental owners on St. John are invited to a public hearing on April 8th a the Territorial Court Boulon Center to discuss rental issues on that islands.

Larsen School Showcases Game boards

The students of Pearl B. Larsen school were proud to display the game boards they created to show ideas in math, science, social studies and other areas of their studies. The winning entry came from Shareece Cannonier, Shawron Cannonier, Nahvia Henry, Raisah Boyce, Shellese Cannonier, Malicahi Maccow, Elijah Ritter, Denley Lettsome, Halima Roebuck and Raelle Panchoo.

Herve Goes Caribbean

Herve Restaurant will celebrate its second anniversary with a month long Caribbean festival during St. Thomas Carnival month. From April 6 to 29th Herve will serve West Indian specialties – Conch chowder, callaloo with crab meat, conch fritters, red snaper in creole sauce and Caribbean Lobster. That’s at Herve.

Water Island Report

Did I miss a day? Nothing happened. Back to Good Snooze.

It’s your Good News! You tell us and we’ll tell everyone.