Weekdays Weekends
St. Thomas Departure Phillips Landing Departure St. Thomas Departure Phillips Landing Departure
06:30 06:45 08:00 08:15
07:15 07:30 10:00 10:15
08:00 08:15 12:00 12:15
10:00 10:15 13:15 13:30
11:00 11:15 15:15 15:30
12:00 12:15 17:15 17:30
13:15 13:30 20:00
14:15 14:30
15:15 15:30
16:15 16:30
17:15 17:30
18:00 18:15
* You must reserve by 18:00 for 21:00 taxi voyage. The Taxi can be reached at 340-643-5124
Prices (subject to change):
Adult | $5.00 |
Child | $3.00 |
Luggage | $1.00 |