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Virgin Islands Game Fishing Club
Free Entry to All Kids!
July Open On Shore Fishing Tournament
For Children Up to 15 years old
Three Age Groups: up to 6, 7to 12 & 13 to 15 years old
Sunday July 2, 2000
Free entry and “T” shirts to first 150 Kids registering at
Offshore Marine in Sub Base
Friday June 30 between 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm
Or Saturday July 1 between 10:00am and 2:00 pm
Come Join the fun and win some great prizes!!!
Fishing will be from the docks in sub Base for kids up to 12 and from any Rock,
any Dock or any Stump, Just stay on shore for kids over 13
Use Hand line or Rod and Reel
Start as early as you like, just be sure to be at Offshore Marine in Sub Base
by 12:00 noon for weigh-in
Prizes include:
Bicycles, fishing Trips, Games,
Rods and Reels, and much, much more!
Free Dominos Pizza and Coca Cola to all entrant