US Virgin Islands
[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines
The School Books are Safe
The school books are safe, actually they were never at risk. Yesterday it looked like a bad news story that school books were to be auctioned to pay for storage. Well the government found the $1500 to pay for storage. That may be the only good news at the schools where construction stoppages threaten the start date for school.
Bovoni Heavy Equipment
This may sound like a Band-Aid, or a small step in the right direction. The government has signed a contract for heavy equipment at the Bovoni Landfill, while this won’t stop the underground fire, it means that heavy gear will be on hand to smother a fire if it breaks through the surface again.
IFG Grants
Individual and Family grants checks began to flow. FEMA has issued checks to 98 people totaling $169,855 as a result of personal disasters during Hurricane Bertha.
Senate Meeting Today
The Senate is meeting today to consider the safe schools act, the dropout prevention act, the parents participation act, rules regarding ownership of a gun and proposed amendments to the Organic Act. They are also going to decide whether to create a Water and Power rapid response disaster fund and they have 9 bills to honor people and name buildings.
Grant Workshop
There’s a workshop coming up on How to Write a Grant. The class will teach you how to turn an idea into a grant proposal, how to apply and the do’s and don’ts of getting grant money.
Sign Rules
Commissioner Dalmida Smith reminds store owners in the historic district not to replace signs that were out of compliance with the rules of the historic district. Be sure your sign is approved before making any effort to restore it. If it was previously approved it is OK to replace a sign, but if it was out of compliance, then do not put it back up.
Casino Rules To Be Discussed
Public Hearings on the Casino Control Rules are Tuesday Sept. 17 and 18th at the Commissions 5 Orange Grove Office in Christiansted. If you want to give testimony written requests are required by Sept. 13th.
Local Meat Numbers
Did you know that locally produced meat carries an imprint with a number identifying its packing plant. In St. Thomas local meat should have the number 7385 while St. Croix meat carries number 482.
On the Calendar:
- At noon, the America’s Cup Foundation will hold a lunch at Tickles East End with John Cutler talking about some of the opportunities for the VI in our America’s Cup Challenge. Remember we are going to the America’s Cup in 2000 and there are business opportunities in this sporting event. Lunch tomorrow at Tickles, Red Hook.
- Senator Petrus is holding a town meeting about the Bovoni Landfill tomorrow at 5:30 at the 7th Day Adventist Church in Bolongo.
- Ivanna Eudora Kean School Student orientation is coming up Thursday and Friday this week.
Finally This:
There is a sore spot that needs to be fixed up. A caller suggested that a clean up is in order in the he area around Market Square. Is there a sore spot near Market Square?