Thursday, May 29, 1997

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Miss Black USA was in town.

Her name is Dawn Moss, and she certainly is a rising star. She came to St. Thomas for some time off and to do some hard work. She stopped at various sites to encourage students to reach for the best. She says it is all about being a good role model for our youth.

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: 84 Degrees Water Temp: 71 Degrees Skies: Crystal Clear, Occasional Cloud, 30% chance of rain Beach: Perfect Swimming: Perfect Diving: Perfect Sailing: Perfect Drinks: Ready

The Navy is Here

The USS George Washington is in St. Thomas with a crew of 5500 officers, men and women. This is a golden opportunity to show our true hospitality. USO needs volunteers help with the visit. Go by and adopt a sailor, bring a sailor home, give them a square meal, a place to nap and go to the beach.. Imagine living in a crowded ship with the noise and the heat, working the decks, keeping the airplanes flying. They need rest and relaxation and we have it to spare. Share some today.

Pool Coming

Construction is beginning on the first public swimming pool in the Virgin Islands. The St. Thomas Swimming Association is beginning construction of what will be a 25 meter, six lane pool with facilities for the handicapped, first time swimmers and children. The Aquatic Center is next to the armory in Estate Nazareth. Yes, they need more contributions, funds and help to get it built.

Liburd Calls for Salt River Beach Facilities.

Imagine if Salt River Beach St. Croix had the kind of facilities that are at Magen’s Bay or Trunk Bay St. John. Senator Liburd is calling for construction of sheds, rest rooms and parking facilities at Salt River Beach saying it is one of the finest beaches in St. Croix and the people should be able to enjoy it without making makeshift sheds.

Anti-Litter Youth Program

The Anti-Litter and Beautification Commission is accepting applications for the 1997 Clean and Preen Summer program for youth between ages 14 and 18. The program lasts six weeks from June 30th to Aug 8th and they will plant trees, gather litter and clean our beaches. Call 777-3073 The deadline to apply is May 30th

Senator Judy Gomez Wants Delinquent Accounts Report

Senator Judy Gomez is asking Juan Centeno of the Dept. of Finance to produce the report of all the delinquent real property tax bills that would be sold if Bill 22-08 is passed. These are the tax bills the Governor is proposing to sell to raise funds. Gomez says her committee wants to review the whole list.

Environmental Association Redefines Mission

The board and members of Environmental Association of St. Thomas-St. John held a retreat over the weekend at Maho Bay and revamped their mission statement. Their job is to educate the public about environmental concerns, encourage greater awareness of the natural and cultural resources and advocate responsible environmental conservation and preservation.

The board and members of Environmental Association of St. Thomas-St. John held a retreat over the weekend at Maho Bay and revamped their mission statement. Their job is to educate the public about environmental concerns, encourage greater awareness of the natural and cultural resources and advocate responsible environmental conservation and preservation.

The veterans of the Persian Gulf War need to know that the Veterans Administration may be able to help you. Drop into the Vets center at Havensight mall of call 800-PGWVETS

Coming Up:

There’s a casting call Thursday for local TV commercials. Today from 2 – to 5:30 at Emancipation Garden 7:00 PM – All coaches and managers of the Pee Wee and LaLeche baseball leagues are meeting at 7:00 PM – at the Al McBean Ballpark. Take a sailor to the CAHS English Theater Dept. this evening. The plays are African Slingshot by Cicely Waite-Smith and Eugene O’Neills The Emperor Jones – The show’s at 6:00 PM – The fire fighters are going to the World Fire fighter Olympics in Las Vegas. Friday and Saturday they have a fish fry at Vendors plaza. On Sunday the firefighters are at Brewers beach with 17 Plus with food and drink and dance. The Committee to Revive our Culture is holding the annual fair, tomorrow at Emancipation Garden with Quadrille dancing, May Pole, the Heritage band and dancers. Stanley and the Ten Sleepless Knights at 2:30 PM. Tell the sailors about Friday at Emancipation Garden

Coming Up Saturday – Rotary Club of Charlotte Amalie Scholarship fund raiser is Saturday Night at the Limetree Beach Hotel. Tony Graham is singing, Dinner dance is by the Starlights and a “surprise” new Artist. Call 776-3287 Ask for Vinnie.

Hero of the Hour

KFC is the hero of the day. The folks at KFC are sponsoring the T-shirts for the elementary basketball tournament. You know KFC, the finger lickin’ good people with the great chicken. Well drop in today, eat-in or take-out because KFC knows that youngsters need inspiration to reach for the stars. Thanks KFC. I’ll be in for lunch today. Keep making good news.

Water Island Report

Travel Agents are asking what homes are for rent on Water Island. Send me e-mail if you are interested in visiting Water Island. Check out the website: