Monday, September 22, 1997

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Brought to you by: Advance Office Supplies, Red Hook Family Practice, Island Block, Quick Pic’s, and Discount Travel. Wherever you are planning to go, your travel dollar takes you further at Discount Travel. And Cobex Internet bringing the world of information to the Virgin Islands.

USVI Top Honeymoon Destination

We are at the top. Modern Bride magazine voted the US Virgin Islands one of the top ten honeymoons destinations in the world. Wylie Whisonant accepted the Diamond Destination Award from American Society of Travel Agents at their Annual World Travel Conference. Winners were judged on ten criteria including: best value, most romantic, best wedding locations. We were also highly visible at the conference with Amy Atkinson of Martin PR showcasing the Virgin Islands to all the tourism officials from around the world.

Today’s Photo: Crown Bay Marina will Host the 1997 All Caribbean Charter Yacht Show

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: 88 Degrees at 11 AM Skies: Sunny, Occasional Cloud Chance of Showers: 30%: Water Temp: Perfect Beach and Swimming Conditions: Perfect Sailing and Diving Conditions: Perfect Drinks: Ready

Liburd says Bottle Water, Donastorg says test the water.

Is our water great enough to bottle and sell or in need of testing for contamination? Senator Liburd says the project to bottle WAPA water is moving forward. We need the revenue and we have the water. Meanwhile Senator Donastorg is calling for additional testing of all our drinking water, bottled and delivered. Donastorg is concerned that some of our water might be contaminated. Rocky says most impurities get into water after the bottling plant, so our bottled water would be the best.

Bingo is Illegal.

According to the Attorney General Julio Brady and the Police Commissioner Davila, bingo games are illegal. It doesn’t matter if they are for charity or not, bingo, zingo and games of chance based on numbers or cards are illegal. There is a game scheduled this evening at the Rotary West Community Center in Frederiksted as a charity with the proceeds to benefit the Christmas lights project.

Pissarro Exhibit Is In New York

The Pissarro exhibit that was a huge success in St. Thomas is now on the road. They are opening the exhibit at the Jewish Museum in New York. The exhibit opened to rave reviews including a major piece in the NY Times.

United Way Gets 30% of Goal.

They are well on the way to this years United Way Goal of $475.000. At their breakfast meeting Yanick Bayard announced that they are 30% of the way to the goal. They got $145,000 at the breakfast meeting at CafÈ Lulu including major donations from Chase Bank, VITELCO, WICO, Rotary, MSI Building Supplies and The Daily News.

Schools to Get Maintenance Zones

Our schools are going to get a new maintenance organization based on 5 teams in 5 zones. The Ivanna Eudora Kean School Zone includes Guy Benjamin, Sprauve School and Kean. Zone 2 is based at Berthe C. Boschulte School and includes Emanuel Benjamin Oliver, Williams, Gomez and Laga. Zone Three is CAHS and Peace Corp., Lockhart, Wheatley and Gladys Gabriel and the High School Annex. Zone 4 is based at Jarvis and covers Dober, Education Complex, Jane E. Tuitt and Sibilly. The last zone is based at Addelita Cancaryn Junior High School and covers Marcelli, Alternative Ed, Kirwan, Ulla Muller. This idea to better maintenance and a team approach to attacking school building problems.

Tax Refund Rules

OK, the law says you can swap a tax refund for property taxes due. Now they are publishing the rules. The interest on the tax debt accrues interest at 1 Ω percent per month so don’t dawdle on this one. The IRB is open Monday and Wednesday from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM with special folks to help you. Call 774-5865 for more information.

You Can Make a Difference Today :

Representative from the Gov Home Roof Program is coming to St. John tomorrow from 8:30 AM – to 4:00 PM – at the Territorial Court Boulon Center. Bring photo identification and the deed to the house. League of Women Voters has a luncheon today at L’Escargo at noon John Abramson, the Supervisor of Elections will be the speaker. 776-9357 UVI Cooperative Extension Service is holding a beekeepers meeting on St. Thomas at 7:30 PM – 693-1083 Tonight on WSTA – Education on the Air at 6:30 PM –

Crown Bay Marina to Host Charter Yacht Conference

Crown Bay Marina has been selected as the site of this year’s All Caribbean Charter Yacht Show. Some 60 yachts and 125 Charter boat brokers will be here for the show. The marina is gearing up for the crowd which is coming Nov 7 – 10.

You Can Make Some Good News.

The Office of Insular Affairs in Washington is looking for World War Two holders of the Distinguished Service Cross. This is the nations second highest honor. The Government is considering conferring the Medal of Honor on some Distinguished Service Cross

Water Island Report

About 50 people came to Water Island to clean up. They came from Water Island and from as far as St. John to help with the clean up of the beach and the dock area on Water Island. It was Also Arthur LaFranchise’s birthday – Congratulations to Little Arthur.

It’s your Good News! You tell us and we’ll tell everyone.