Monday, June 09, 1997

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Graduation Weekend – CAHS and Ivanna Eudora Kean School Grads

CAHS held graduation on Sunday for 288 seniors. They recounted the terrors of their junior year with Hurricane Marilyn and the successes of this year with its competitions and high honors. Governor Schneider spoke and said change was coming to the early grades. He wants computer and the Internet in all the schools. On Saturday 175 Ivanna Eudora Kean School Seniors had graduation. Nigel Griffin livened up the somber ceremonies with a humorous speech comparing students diversity to a salad then proceeded to eat a salad on stage. He is headed to Stanford University where Chelsea Clinton will also be a freshman. Country Day held graduation over the weekend for 23 seniors. They also heard speeches about go forth and succeed. All 23 of the Country Day students are bound for college in the fall. Three of our graduates are going to the US Military academies. Sachiko Brown is going to the Air Force Academy and Russell and Kevin Otway are going to the Naval Academy Preparatory School in Newport RI Some graduates will find work in the Governor’s Island Year program also kicks off this week. Applicants can look forward to 9 months of work with the Public Works and the Federal Highway program. They must have a diploma from this year or last.

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: 82 Degrees Water Temp: 71 Degrees Skies: Crystal Clear, Occasional Cloud Beach: Perfect Swimming: Perfect Diving: Perfect Sailing: Perfect Drinks: Ready

Lax with Back Tax? Governor says lets Talk

The Governor says he will work with delinquent tax payers to balance their tax refunds against taxes due. “People Must not Worry, we are not going to take land away” He says they will work on ways to make land tax payments more feasible. At the same time we can not disregard this debt.

Governor’s Back – Investors to Follow

The Governor was back from Asia in time to be a graduation speaker at CAHS graduation. He sent out a statement that he met with a lot of investors while in Asia and he is expecting them to get involved with hotels, casinos, theme parks and our shipping business. He noted that Puerto Rico, Jamaica and Hawaii had representatives in Asia that week and if we hadn’t been there, we would have lost the business. The Asians were listening to the Gov when he said we have some of the best tax exemptions in the world.

Roofing Program Changes

The Governor made some changes in the Roof replacement Program. Dean Luke is the new director of the Roof program. There are new hours from 7:00 AM – to 7:00 PM, and more subcontractors have been brought into the program to get more roofs completed. There are 50 roofs under construction now with $15 million dollars yet to spend

Ecology Camp

Junior Gardening and Ecology Academy is taking registration now for the upcoming summer activities. Students will learn garden construction, take nature walks, enjoy guest speakers, learn environmental awareness and cultural awareness, and study math, reading, grammar, arts and crafts, typing and swimming. Class runs from June 30th to Aug 22 from 8:00 AM – to 4:00 PM – at the Wheatley Skills Center behind Lockhart school. Call Mario Frances at 776-3475

On the sore spot report:

The woman who lost the roll of film at the Saints Peter and Paul graduation – the Saints Peter and Paul principal has your role of film. Mikey called and said somebody stole, his White Mitsubishi Mirage T-33740. It has gray seats, four doors, and two rough spots on the roof. Okay, If you know where a white Mirage is with plate T-33740 Call the Good News Guy or 776-3564

Dept. of Public Works Report

Tyrone Martin wants to thank Mr. Walter Challenger used his heavy equipment to remove those ugly blocks of cement in front of Sea Breeze car rental agency. Tyrone Martin is also making more history today, they are starting 3.5 million dollars worth of highway construction projects. Ft Mylner intersection is going to get a big change, and the Lover’s Land, DeBeltjen Road intersection with Long Bay Road project is also getting going. There will be new lanes, and new traffic lights and lots of other safety devices to make both intersections safer and keep the traffic flowing smoothly. The majority of construction will take place outside the existing lanes to minimize inconvenience to the motoring public. And there is a million dollars worth of projects to repave St. Croix including, Percy Gardine Road, Spring Gut Road, Castle Coakley Road, Route 753 and Northside Road. That’s Dept. of Public Works making good news

Water Island Report