Monday, July 01, 1996

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


St. John Carnival is off to a Roaring Start

If this weekend is any measure of the coming St. John Carnival the island is bound for a big party time. Mobs crowded into Frank Powell Senior Village and there was all sorts of food from local recipes. The festivities continue through Thursday of this week. Tonight’s music is by the Jam Band.

Last Graduation

St. Thomas – St. John Seventh Day Advent High School graduated its seniors in a ceremony on Sunday in Tutu. Congratulations to the last but not least class of 96.

Finance Committee Meeting

The Finance Committee is meeting this morning on St. Croix to review the budget for the Bureau of Internal Revenue, The Finance department, Government Insurance Fund, Indirect Cost Fund and the Lottery Commission.

Social Security Change

Social Security has announced that beginning in January it will no longer pay supplemental security income benefits to people disabled due to drug addiction or alcoholism. If you have a disability based on Alcohol or drugs, your income is going to run out.

No Transportation Act

Congressman Victor Frazier announced that Congress went into recess without acting on the Transportation Appropriations Act that included our Molasses Pier and the St. Croix airport funds. Congress is out for 4th of July holiday. The Congressman said the bill should be in the next session

On Today’s Calendar:

  • Coast Guard Auxiliary has a class this month in boat safety, radio use and navigation. The Classes are Monday and Thursday evenings over the next 4 weeks. You have to sign up tonight at the Coast Guard building on the waterfront. That’s for the Coast Guard Auxiliary Boat Safety Class.
  • If you aren’’t registered to vote you can’t vote for or against any of the public officials. Register to vote today for the primary election coming in September.
  • Elskoe and Associates meeting tonight at 6 PM at Windward Passage

Finally this,

Twenty-five teenagers took the Leo pledge to community service, to aid the weak, to right the wrong. President Magdalene Abraham welcomed the new Leo Club President Dorian Lambert. Those East End Lions are making good news.