Tuesday, September 30, 1997

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


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Assistant Attorney General Going to the Supreme Court.

Attorney General Julio Brady announced that Assistant attorney general W. Bart Ary has been selected to receive the Supreme Court Fellowship. Only two Attorney Generals from all over the country are selected for the Fellowship which will allow Ary to gain experience before the Supreme Court. Ary is the first Virgin Islander and the first person from a territorial government ever selected for the honor.

Today’s Photo: University of the Virgin Islands: Save the Coach.

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: 86 Degrees at 9 AM Skies: Sunny, Occasional Cloud Chance of Showers: 30%: Water Temp: Perfect Beach and Swimming Conditions: Perfect Sailing and Diving Conditions: Perfect Drinks: Ready

British Virgin Islands Bails Out of 809

It is like a number that has no friends. First the US Virgin Islands bailed out of 809 and we became area code 340, now the BVI is out too. They are adopting the new area code 284. And we will have to dial their new area code to make a call to Roadtown.

AT&T Must Monitor Wastewater.

The AT&T Clean up is about to begin and the people at Department of Planning and Natural Resources are beginning to look at what will happen with the waste water that comes up with the mud. AT&T has been warned that it can not discharge water back into the sea.

Potholes to be Fixed.

The good news is that the potholes won’t last forever. Dept. of Public Works is opening up a new campaign to reconstruct, rehabilitate and resurface the pot holes on our roads. They say that the contracts will be advertised in October and the work is salted for December. They way they are doing this should last for up to six years, rather than six days.

Keep the Coach

A group of Virgin Islands residents is banding together to pay the salary of UVI Athletics Director Jim Hatfield. Kirk Grybowski is leading the effort to replace the salary for Hatfield after the university announced it could no longer afford the $45,000 per year. Students have mounted a petition effort and collected over a thousand signatures in one day. Meanwhile Dr. Kean says he will insure that the university continues on the path toward full NCAA status.

Dept. of Labor has Job Openings

The Dept. of Labor has a number of hard to fill job listings. They are looking for an industrial project planner to produce production schedules. They are looking for an industrial instrument technician, an offset press operator and an organist to conduct a choir.


The Passport office on St. John is going to be closed beginning this Friday. The passport officer is retiring and the government doesn’t have the funds for a replacement, but promise to fill the position when the funds are found. The Virgin Islands Housing Authority announced that the revised utility allowance schedule is posted and goes into effect today. IRB announces that they are moving the excise tax office to #19 Crown Bay as of tomorrow. If you need directions call 776-3740

Coming Up:

Today is also the first day of the classes for Taxi drivers on St. Thomas at 6:30 PM at Taxi Association Club House in Contant and on Saturdays on St. Croix. You can be a better ambassador call 776-2118.The class is free. This evening there is a public hearing on the new school discipline policy at 5:30 PM – on St. Thomas at the Legislative Conference Room and Thursday at the Territorial Court St. John 2:30 PM – Berthe C. Boschulte School Teams are meeting today. Parents of team B are meeting in the Library at 2:30 PM – Team E you are in the library at 5:30 PM – and Team H meets in the Cafeteria at 5:30 PM – Social Security representative is on St. John at the Multipurpose Center from 9:00 AM – to 12:45 P to handle social security questions. The IRB is coming to St. John to explain the rules for turning a tax refund into a land tax payment at the Territorial Court at Boulon Center St. John 774-5865.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

This is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and the Women’s Resource Center has a full month of events. On Wednesday October 8th there’s an open house for social service providers at the WRC on Norre Gade. On October 10-12 there will be an exhibit of African art and artisan work from Burkina Faso. On October 15th there is an a la carte breakfast at CafÈ Melee on Back Street at 7:30 AM. October 17th is volunteer appreciation night at the office and counseling center. and October 18th At Tutu Park Mall there is a program for children called “These Hands Are Not For Hitting.” October 23 there is a Domestic Violence Awareness March from Emancipation Garden at 5:30 PM -. October 24 there is a “Just Desserts fund raiser of sweet treats from 5:30 PM – at Jimmy’s Upper Crust. October 26 is the annual October Sunday family fun fair at Reichhold Center for the Performing Arts from noon to 6:00 PM –

Water Island Report

“Expect Nothing, We’ve got it”

It’s your Good News! You tell us and we’ll tell everyone.