Friday, September 26, 1997

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


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Patrick Henry Won

Our entrant in the Florida Caribbean Cruise Association. CCA essay contest Won. He was a finalist last week, this week he is the winner. In Aruba Patrick Henry of St. Croix read his essay and the judges selected his essay as the best of the year. That’s our Patrick Henry the best of the best, making good news.

Today’s Photo: The Lunch Box

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: 79 Degrees at 11 AM Skies: Cloudy with showers Chance of Showers: 50%: Water Temp: Perfect Beach and Swimming Conditions: Perfect Sailing and Diving Conditions: Perfect Drinks: Ready

Carnival Queen to Miss World Contest.

Taisha Gombs is going to the Miss World Pageant which is being held in the Seychelles Islands October 28 through thanksgiving. The Virgin Islands Carnival Committee is seeking support to help send our Carnival Queen to Miss World. Call 776-3112. Oh and this carnival news, this year’s carnival will ” The Spirit of 1848 is Alive for Carnival 1998″ Carnival will celebrate 150 years since Emancipation.

Delegate Christian-Green Says DC is Like Us

Our delegate is voicing her disapproval for the way Washington DC is being treated. She says the proposal to have federal government take more control of the city could set a trend that might effect us in the territory.

Senate Gets Some Bills Passed

The Senate continues work on the appropriations and budget bills. Yesterday’s action wasn’t the step by step processing of bills, rather they had another round of shouting and delay tactics. The senate did manage to pass the bill to cover debt service on bonds, funds for the Anti-liter and Beautification Commission, Public Works, appropriations for road work and Department of Planning and Natural Resource’s budget. They are meeting again today in a continuation of the session.

Coming Up:

Tonight on We the People, Andre’s Guest will be Darryl Lewis and Wayne Meyers talking about recovery for addicts and the second half of the show will be about employment for the disabled. The Marines are in town today doing recruiting at the high schools. If you want to be one of the few, one of the proud, they are coming back October 22 for a full scale recruiting campaign. Reichhold Center for the Performing Arts is presenting the David Edgecomb hit Marilyn this weekend on Sept 26, 27th and 28th with the original cast. Tickets are $20 The Psychology Board will meet at 1:00 PM – on the 27th at the Commissioner of Health’s Office in Schneider Hospital Prophecy Elementary has a PTA meeting at 6:00 PM – at the Church Auditorium Coming Up Tomorrow: Saturday the 27th is also St. John Saturday with a host of activities all day. WSTA and Addie Ottley’s Morning Show will come to you live from St. John tomorrow.

Water Island Report

Commerce comes to Water Island. When it rains it pours. Water Island has its first business. Up until now the only opportunity to spend money on Water Island was in the booth at the VITELCO Booth. Now every Saturday there is a lunch wagon on Honeymoon Beach. Look at the photo. National Geographic one day and a new business the next. The Progress is dizzying. Maybe we should plan for a mall?

It’s your Good News! You tell us and we’ll tell everyone.