Friday, September 27, 1996

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


The Rules Committee Approved the 1997 Budget.

The Rules committee met for 13 hours to get through the budget and in the end they approved the 1997 budget. The Committee of the Whole looked at the Community Block Grants and debated the disparity between the grants for the different islands. A federal grand jury indicted two ferry companies in St. Thomas yesterday of discharging oil in the waters around Red Hook back in February. The two companies face fines of $250,000 for pollution.

We have a new drug fighting grant.

$103,000 for a program to develop a program for prison inmates who are ready for parole to help them keep off drugs.

Normally cruise ships bring tourists to San Juan.

This week Soverign of the Seas brought 30,000 pounds of relief supplies to the beleagured people of Puerto Rico. You can help Puerto Rico by bring donations to the Lartin Chamber of Commerce relief effort on Allens Alley at Cain Magrass HQ.

The hospital roof is almost fixed.

At the Juan Luis hospital, the contractor says the roof work will be complete in a week. And the air conditioning compressors will get fixed when the parts come. They are going to add another air cooler and upgrade the roof to handle 140 MPH winds. The Close up Foundation will educate our high school students in the areas of government, politics and community affairs. That’s today at the Curriculum Center St. Croix and again on Monday on St. Thomas. The senate committee on Economic Development is going to meet Monday to consider a bill to create a Virgin Islands Carnival Museum. On Tuesday the Finance Committee will address a long list of leases for government property

Good News Weather:

Partly cloudy scattered showers isolated thundershowers. High around 90 winds:east @15. At 5 AM Hurricane Isadore was located at 13.9 north and 40.3 West moving WNW winds: 100 mph.

You can make a Difference:

  • There’s a political forum tonight at 7:30 PM at the Faith Christian Fellowship Church. They will be registering voters too. 
  • There is a debate among candidates for deligate to Congress on WTJX. That’s on the Sunday at 7:30 with a national debate to follow at 9 PM. 
  • Dept. Housing Parks and Recreation is opening its after school program with an opportunity to learn to swim. We live on islands, swimming is survuval here. Get an application at the office in subbase of call 774-0255 
  • Also on Sunday there are sailboat races in Long Bay with lots of fun starting at 6 PM. 
  • Monday is the deadline to apply to Cooperative Extension for the food fair this November.

On the sore spot report,

The Jah Yard near Lionel Roberts Stadium is gone. That’s one of the biggest sore spots cleaned up. Good work guys. Now, can Dept. of Public Works please get rid of the truck on Garden Street above All Saints. That dump truck’s been there for months.