Wednesday, October 30, 1996

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


The Senate is Holding a Special Session

Eight Senators petitioned for a special legislative session to work on retroactive pay. Other senators and candidates have decried the special session as an obvious election ploy. Five of the senators who want a special session missed more than 30% of the roll call votes through the regular session. Where were they during the regular session?

Finance Approves Leases

At Tuesday’s Finance Committee meeting the lease for the post office at Cyril E. King Airport was approved. Another airport lease was stopped until it is made more favorable to the local business. The committee approved all of the requisitions for funds related to health care and family planning.

Development Bank Moves Forward

The Governor has asked the legislature to make some technical changes to the Development Bank law to protect the Banks that will capitalize the Development Bank to get it going.

Travel Time Speeded Up

The time it takes to clear customs and immigration at the Blyden Marine Terminal should improve shortly. The immigration office has a new fax machine so they can get a passenger list when the ship leaves the British Virgin Islands rather than on arrival. That will help.

New Area Code

Calling 340, anyone out there? The Governor asked VITELCO to ask Bellcore if we can change our area code. 809 is getting crowded and we could have a new area code 340 by June.

Bus Safety

School bus safety is a topic after several incidents of egg and rock throwing from school buses. Violators of school bus safety rules will be barred from using the bus. Vitran has also announced they will curtail some bus service on Halloween night to avoid pranks.

Mock Election results at Cancaryn School

Here are mock election results from Addelita Cancaryn School. Frazer and Mapp tie the delegate race with Green trailing way behind. Rocky wins at large and the top 7 senate candidates in this mock election: Gomez, Petrus, Potter, Berry, White, Donastorg, and Frett.

Community Notes

  • This evening Andre Ottley will host another in the election series. This evening’s guest are the candidates for the Board of Education on St. Thomas St. John. That’s tonight from 8 to 9 pm
  • There is a chance to meet the senate candidates at the Central Labor Council meeting tonight at Taxi Association building in Contant at 7:00 PM
  • There is a class coming up on basic seamanship. The class will meet every Monday and Thursday throughout the month of November registration is this Thursday October 31st.
  • Virgin Islands Humanities Council has extended the deadline to apply for grants up to $10,000. You have until November 4th to get you application in. Call 776-4044

Italy and The British Virgin Islands???

Finally this:Una Momento, per favore. Whattsa the British Virgin Islands doing in Italia? Our neighbors are tapping into a European market. The British Virgin Islands have an all Italian brochure and they opened a tourism office in Milan to attract the Euro-travel set. Next, they’ll be selling Cappuccino in Roadtown?