Tuesday, October 29, 1996

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Don’t Forget the Red Ribbon Campaign – Today is Recongition Day

Eighty percent of the crimes committed in the Virgin Islands are drug related. The scourge of drugs takes its toll on everyone. Did you put on a red ribbon today> The red ribbon campaign is continuing through Oct 31st. Today is Recognition Day with a march from Roosevelt Park to Government House leading up to a ceremony at Government House..

Pollution Conference

You can learn about the most common pollution at the Conference on Non-Point Sources of Pollution at Frenchman’s Reef. Today they are looking at water quality, and preventing water contamination. Tomorrow’s program is about controlling pollution from construction sites and waterfront facilities. There is a seat for you.

Senate Finance Meeting

The Senate Finance Committee is meeting today on St. Croix though it is being postponed from 10 AM to 1:30 PM to accommodate senators who want to attend. The topic is those leases. They are examining the post office lease and a number of requisitions for funds from different departments. The Committee on Health and Government Operations will take testamony at the Legislative Conference room in Frederikstead this evening to look at Government spending.

Tax Amnesty

The Tax Amnesty deadline is coming up. The tax amnesty on real property will end on November 12. Until that date penalties and interest are waived if you pay your real estate taxes. After November 12 the tax bureau is going to start enforcement action.

DeLugo Endorses Donna Green for Delegate

Delegate Candidate Donna Christian Green picked up an endorsement from Fromer Congressman Ron De Lugo. In the Berthe C. Boschulte School mock Election, Mapp took the title followed by Frazer with Green last of the three. Senator Liburd won in the mock election, and The leaders in the senate were Gomez, White and Donastorg.

Upcoming Events

  • Ivanna Eudora Kean School Haunted House is tonight the 29th and tomorrow the 30th from 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
  • There is a chance to meet the senate candidates at the Central Labor Council meeting tonight and tomorrow night at the Taxi Association building in Contant. That’s at 7:00 PM
  • There is a class coming up on basic seamanship. The class will meet every Monday and Thursday throughout the month of November registration is this Thursday October 31st.
  • Virgin Islands Humanities Council has extended the deadline to apply for grants up to $10,000. You have until November 4th to get you application in. Call 776-4044

Who Gets Credit?

They are squabbling over who gets credit for the island wide clean up effort. Everyone wants to claim the credit. Chamber of Commerce, The Governors Office, Public Works. How about if someone gets the rusty back hoe off the lot on the right side where the airport road meets the main highway. And take credit after it si gone. What if we all clean up and everyone takes credit.