Thursday, October 17, 1996

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


New Grant for Tourism Training

University oof the Virgin Islands got a grant for a $250, to teach the skills – of the tourism industry. Virgin Islands Tourism Awareness and Advancement Link Called VITAAL will offer training for the taxi industry, the general work force and youth. The idea is to revitalize a dismal economy, workforce, everything.”

Police Get Million Dollar Grant

Here’s another grant. This one is a million dollar grant to the police dept to beef up its crime fighting facilities. The funds will be used to underwrite projects to reduce crime and improve public safety.

The Check is in the Mail

Get ready vendors. Your checks are coming. The asssistant finance commissioner said the government was prepared to pay all vendors who are currently owed money.

Herve One of the Best

Gourmet magazine’s October issue is the special restaurant issue. And Herve restaurant and wine bar in Charlotte Amalie is listed among the 100 best in America. One of the best right here.

Carnival Museum

Senator Potter is promoting the idea of a Carnival Museum. As a money maker for the Virgin Islands, As a new destination, a new attraction. Why not reuse all the costumes in a museum. His committee took testamony yesterday from Department of Planning and Natural Resources and the Carnival Committeee as to who should manage such a museum. Potter sees the museum developing in 1997.

Hello, Hello Are we still Talking?

Vitelco and the union are still sparing. The workers staged a sick out 75% of the crews didn’t show up. The company sought a court order to stop that. Now the judge says the sick out is a violation of their contract.

Good News Weather:

Looks like Standard Paradise Conditions, Mostly Sunny, 20% chance of rainbows. High around 90 Winds South East at 15 mph. We have no major storms on the horizon

On the sore spot report:

It is a two for one special from Dept. of Public Works> They are attacking two ugly places, the empty lot across from the Ramada Inn in Havensight AND the waterfront highway between the Texaco and Emile Griffin Park.

Finally this:

Our local American Red Cross has been the hardest working Red Cross in all of the American chapters. I bet you didn’t know they have only one vehicle that belongs to the Red Cross. Well that’s going to change and you can help. On November 2, there’s a Walk-a-thon for the red cross to raise funds for a truck. You can make good news by making a pledge, or contribution or walk in the walk a thon, better still do all three. Its our Red Cross and our own aid..