Monday, October 28, 1996

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Our schools are part of a Multi-million Technology Grant.

The Virgin Islands Schools have been chosen to be one of 20 school districts across America to participate in a national technology learning project called Generation Why. Our schools will be able to tap into donated equipment and software to build computer networks in the schools. The kids will get linked up with stateside schools to develop contacts and collaboration between the schools for a broad cultural interaction.

Post Office is Energy Aware

Energy Awareness month is going to come to the Post Office tomorrow as the Fredreksted Post Office will put a special energy Awareness stamp on all letters passing through the office. The idea is to raise awareness of energy use.

New Rotary has de’Signs

There’s a new Rotary Club on St. Croix and they are going to attack the signs problem as their first act of public service. Rotary Club of St. Croix Harborside is roaring to life. With enough funds to replace 58 of the porcelain street signs. The new rotary club is targeting intersections where signs are missing.

Tax Amnesty

The Tax Amnesty deadline is coming up. The tax amnesty on real property will end on November 12. Until that date penalties and interest are waived if you pay your real estate taxes. After November 12 the tax bureau is going to start enforcement action.

Two Schools Take the Prize

Congressman Victor Frazer announced that the Pine Peace School and the E Benjamin Oliver schools are “State Champions”. They won the President’s Physical Fitness Award for the highest number of students scoring over 85% on the President’s fitness agenda.

Senate Attendance

Senate attendance is still in the news. Telephone callers to WSTA news room are outraged by senators absence from the job. You have asked us to repeat the list 30% club, the list of senators who missed more than 30% of the votes. They are Senators Hansen, Petrus, O’Neal, White, Gomez, Wattlington and Jones all missed more than 30% of all votes.

Bankers on the Air

The Bankers Association has their weekly Bank On It radio show this evening on WSTA. This evenings topic is Personal Credit and What You Need To Know About Credit Reports.

Class on Seamanship

There is a class coming up for you to learn basic seamanship. The class will meet every Monday and Thursday throughout the month of November registration is this Thursday October 31st.

Conference on Pollution

The Conference on Pollution begins tomorrow at Frenchman’s Reef in St. Thomas. Tuesday’s program is about water quality and the afternoon session is about preventing drinking water contamination. Wednesday’s program is about Controlling pollution from construction sites and about pollution at waterfront facilities. Call 693-1080

Humanities Deadline Extended

Virgin Islands Humanities Council has extended the deadline to apply for grants up to $10,000. You have until November 4th to get you application in. Call 776-4044

Great News – No Women needed the Shelter

I always have good news, sometimes it’s even great news. The Women’s Resource Center reported that Friday night was the first night in ten years that no woman sought refuge at the women’s shelter due to fear of domestic violence. And it gets better. No one needed to be sheltered on Saturday or Sunday night either. Three nights is good a start on a full week without domestic violence.