Monday, October 21, 1996

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Today is Hurricane Thanksgiving Day – We have been spared

This is the day to thank the almighty that we have been spared from destruction. We had Bertha, Edouard, Fran, and Isadore to worry about, yet all passed by without loss of life or massive destruction. Remember Dr. William Gray the scientist who predicts hurricane season, well last December Dr Gray said, 1996 would have 8 tropical storms, 5 hurricanes and only 2 serious storms. Was he right?

The Swim a Thon was a hit.

The Swim a Thon was a hit. 184 swimmers swam laps in a contest of guts to see how many laps they could rack up. Final Count, 4,476. The swimmers raised $23,000 toward the $300,000 needed to build a new pool.

Refunds on the mortgage?

Refunds on the mortgage? That’s news. The Governor announced that due to refinancing of the mortgages on Housing Finance Authority bonds, there are refunds coming to 100 people who are the mortgagees.

School Innovations

Education Commissioner Liston Davis points out that some teachers are developing new programs and innovative projects like the recent Fruit Festival at the Emanual school. Teachers filled a classroom with fruits grown here and imported and through the hands on contact the kids learned about the fruits countries of origin, nutritional value, shapes, colors, smells and more.

October is domestic Violence month.

The Territory received a new grant to combat domestic violence and violence against women. The grant of $500,000 will be used to develop new prosecution strategies to combat home violence.

Starfest 3

Starfest 3 is coming up and The Reichhold Center for the Performing Arts is calling all songwriters to audition for the Show. Put the song on tape or print a copy and send it to Starfest3 at the Reichhold Center Deadline is November 18th. If you have a song, lets hear from you.

Job Training Month

This is Job Training Partnership month and Governor Schneider reminds you that job training is available for school drop outs, welfare recipients, unskilled adults, displaced homemakers, dislocated workers and others who are seeking employment.

Good News Weather:

Mostly Clear, 40% chance of rainbows. Today’s high around 90. Winds Southeast at 15 mph. There are no major storms.

Exercise Classes

Dept. Housing Parks and Recreation reminds you that there are exercise classes every Mon., Tues., weds, and Thurs. at the Winston Raymo Center. At 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM

Red Ribbon Week

This week is Red Ribbon Week to raise public awareness about drugs. Wearing a red ribbon next week shows your concern with drug abuse. Call Joyce Thomas at 775-2250

Finally this:

Ernest Lee has been named an Advance Placement Scholar by the College Board. That puts him in the he top 12% of students all over America. Ernest did college level work in Chemistry, English Literature and Calculus. And it earned him the top recognition a high school student can achieve. That is Ernest Lee’s Good News.