Friday, October 04, 1996

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Seven National Merit Finalists

The Virgin Islands have seven national merit semifinalists. With 15,000 total across America, we have seven semifinalists. Now the field will be narrowed again and of 15,000 students 750 will get scholarships and 7000 will get awards. We’ll keep you posted.

Peace Corp School is about to open. Students in grades 1-6 come back on Tuesday the 8th of October and kindergarten comes back on Wednesday the 9th. So it took 13 months after Hurricane Marilyn to get all the schools back.

The Governor met with the welfare reform panel to review options regarding the new welfare reform law. One of their main concerns is day care for the children of welfare mothers. Congressman Victor Frazer pointed out that there is room in the law for exceptions, but it is required that the Dept of Human Services develop a plan to implement the law. All welfare recipients must work within two year and can only receive welfare for a maximum of five eyars.

University of the Virgin Islands initiated new relationships with the University of Copenhagen and the University of Ghana in Africa. These new relationships will involve information exchanges, mutual teaching, joint research and a faculty and student exchange programs.

If you want to know what to do in a hurricane and what all the terms mean, there is a new books out written just for our islands about hurricane survival. Hurricane Survival Guide for Mariners is in all the bookshops.

Good News Weather:

We are going to have rain today. Showers may be intense. High around 88 East wind at 10 knots. We have no major storms on the horizon

Coming up on Sunday,

  • The St. Kitts/Nevis United Association of St. Croix will make a contribution to the UVI. At the same meeting Dr Denzil Douglas, the Prime Minister of the Federation, will talk about the secession of Nevis from St. Kitts. That’s at Gertrudes restaurant on St. Croix on Sunday at 6:30. 
  • Ben Ammi is the guest speaker tonight at 7 PM in room 200 of UVI Humanities building. 
  • The first forum for the senate candidates is happening tonight at CAHS Auditorium. Tonights forum will include, Adlah Donastorg, Allie Allison Petrus; ‘Lorraine Berry; Godfrey DeCastro, Malik Sekou; Wavne Chinnery; George Goodwin; Clive Rivers, Vinnie Mohanani; Wayne Adams; David Berry: Sheila Schulterbrand; and, Stephen Frett. The topic will be the state of the territory’s economy, the state of education, crime and government operations.