Wednesday, May 14, 1997

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Home Ownership One Step Closer.

Virgin Islands Housing Authority is pleased to announce the Authority has established a Dept. of Home Ownership to coordinate activities to transform public housing residents into home owners. Residents of Pollyberg Gardens, George Simmons Terrace and Anna’s Retreat Heights are working on financing to buy their newly renovated units. 05/14/97 11:34 AM

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: 82 Degrees Water Temp: 71 Degrees Skies: Crystal Clear, Occasional Cloud Beach: Perfect Swimming: Perfect Diving: Perfect Sailing: Perfect Drinks: Ready

Child Care Center Directory

Dept. of Human Services is beginning to compile a directory of all child care facilities in the Virgin Islands. If you operate an after school program, or day care, or other child care facility contact Velen Samuel at 774-0930

New Appointment at Industrial Development Commission

Governor Schneider announced that he as appointed Nadine Marchena-Thomas to the post of Assistance Executive Director of the Industrial Development Commission. The Governor said Mrs. Thomas is just who he is looking for; a bright, well-trained Virgin Islander who will return from the mainland to our territory. Thomas has a Bachelor’s degree in Business administration and she was the highest ranking black woman working for the Japanese firm Mitsui and Company. She has lots of business contacts in Asia. 05/14/97 9:36 AM

Donastorg Calls for Congressional Help with Landfill

Senator Adlah Fonsie Donastorg says Sunday’s fire at Bovoni landfill was senseless. He is going to Congress to seek help. Fonsie says there are special funds for environmental crisis. He is asking for 10 million to extinguish the fire and 5 million to develop a solid waste processing facility. 05/14/97 7:53 AM

Delegate Dr Donna Christian-Green Says Disabled Children Get new Help

The Delegate announced that the House had passed a new bill that will support and improve early intervention and special education for infants, toddlers and youth with disabilities. This is a major amendment to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The law would offer aid to the territories and states to develop early intervention programs for pre-school children with disabilities. The Senate must still act on the bill. 05/14/97 8:55 AM

School Calendar is Out

The Dept. of Education has released the school calendar for 1997-98 school year. Students return to school Aug 25th and remain in session through June 12th.. There are 16 holidays scheduled and a total of 181 school days on the planned schedule. The Department of Education also released the 1998-99 school schedule to help people plan for the next year. 05/13/97 12:47 PM

Department of Agriculture Summer Program

Youngsters ages 13-16 are invited to participate in the Department of Agriculture Summer Program which will begin June 23. The sessions are going to be held at Estate Lower Love with a focus on growing vegetables and ornamental plants. Call 778-0997 – sign up deadline is June 6th

Do you Own a Business?

Businesses Owners are reminded that the law requires that you list all job openings with the Labor Department Job Service. Upgraded positions do not need to be listed, but if you have a job opening, then by all means let the Dept. of Labor know, they have qualified people in all fields. And it works, today the Labor Dept. lists jobs for rotating equipment operators, class A machinists both openings on St. Croix.

Casting Call

Are you a pirate? There is a casting call coming up on Thursday at Doubletree Sapphire Beach resort for new commercials for Ron Rico Rum, Kent Cigarettes and there’s a pirate movie too. They are looking for beautiful bathing beauties, men and women who look great in a bathing suit. The Pirate movie will be shot this summer. It’s a local production for Tradewinds Film, of an action story with pirates, vampires, and lots of special effects. They have a dozen speaking parts and they need more than 100 extras. 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM at Sapphire Beach Resort. St. Croix casting is also on Thursday. 05/13/97 10:01 AM

Sore Spot Hot Line

What’s the stink. If you go by Education Street and Kongen’s Gade near the Creque Funeral home there is an awful smell. There was a leak of sewage and the Dept. of Public Works folks stopped the leak, but no one cleaned up the spill. Our Hot Line caller says the smell is overpowering – Can someone in the health dept. of Dept. of Public Works please flush the mess away.

Senior Day

This is senior day at the Legislature – there’s a special session in the Legislative Conference Room where Senator Burke and her human services committee will address the concerns of our seniors

We have winners.

The In-Focus Photo contest is over and the winners are in, Bob Coats took four prizes, Steve Simonson won three prizes. The best in show award is for Tina Henle and the People’s Choice award goes to Alain Brin. The photos are on display through June 23 at the Grand Hotel then from June 2 through June 16th they are at Chase Bank on St. John, and On June 20 the display moved to St. Croix

Coming Up:

This is National Hospital Week -There’s an employee appreciation luncheon at the hospital, St. Croix Central is holding an Induction Ceremony for 16 new members of the Spanish Honor Society at 10:00 AM – in the library. US Air Force recruiter is on St. Thomas today at Ivanna Eudora Kean School to meet young men and women who want to fly with the Air Force. Lt. Gov. has informational meetings about insurance for homeowners tonight at 6:00 PM – at the Boulon Center, Saturday at CAHS and May 29th on SYC

6:00 PM – Public Services Commission will hold hearings on passengers traveling to St. John on the automobile barge at 6:00 PM at Barbel Plaza offices. On May 15th the hearings continue on St. John at Territorial Court St. John at 7:00 PM

Water Island Report

Nothing Happened – Same Stuff Different Day