Friday, May 23, 1997

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Senate Passed Four Bills

The senate passed four of the 10 items on their agenda. They passed the nominees to the St. Croix Horse Racing Commission. They passed the bill to create a select committee on Government accountability, They passed the lease to let Banco Popular build a new headquarters. The also approved the lease for the South Carolina University to develop a marine laboratory on St. Croix. They sent the bill to require legislative approval of IDC tax breaks to committee. Lorraine Berry is unflappable through the acrimony and stopped attempts to disrupt the session.

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: 82 Degrees Water Temp: 71 Degrees Skies: Increasing Cloudiness 70% chance of rain, 30% sunshine Beach: Almost Perfect Swimming: Very Perfect Diving: Excellent Sailing: Light Winds Drinks: Ready

Imagine a Unified Hotel Association

The St. Thomas St. John Hotel Association and a group of St. Croix hotel owners are exploring ways to work together for their common good. The official St. Croix Hotel Association is not involved yet, but the idea of a more powerful unified hotel association has a lot of appeal to the hotel owners.

Senate passed Amendments to Organic Act.

The US Senate Resources Committee passed the amendments to the Organic act that will allow the Governor to remain in power while traveling and create a commission to study our economy. That bill is now reported to the full US Senate.

Audit Out on Anti-litter

There’s an audit report on the Anti-Litter and Beatification Commission. The auditors had a number of recommendations. One is that the Commission hire an administrator. That has been done. The Inspector General says all of the other recommendations have been resolved.

New Program for the Needy

Human Services Commissioner Mills wants you to know that the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families which replaces AFDC is now available for public review and comment. The new plan is in the public libraries and at the Human Services offices in Golden rock, Multi-purpose room St. John and Knud Hansen Complex

Math Bee Winners

At the Charles Emanuel School, they just finished their first Math Bee and there are winners. Gresham Rogers was the top math performers in the 4th grade, Joel Quinines topped the rest of the fifth grade and Maya Cuffy won in the sixth grade answering 90% of the questions correctly. Our kids are tops in Math.

Property and Procurement Wants to Help your Business

There is a series of workshops coming up to aid your business in bidding on government contracts. The seminars will teach your business how to put together a bid package, the pre-bid meeting, the bid opening and the awarding of contracts. The first workshop is June 7th at Gertrude’s Restaurant on St. Croix and on June 14th the workshop will be held at Victor’s New Hideout on St. Thomas Registration is free for 75 participants.

Memorial Day is Coming Up

Veterans will celebrate Veterans Day on Monday. There is a ceremony at Christiansted Wharf and a procession to Kingshill Cemetery. On St. Thomas, the memorial program begins at Roosevelt Park at 11:00 AM – with a procession to the Coast Guard Dock and then on to Western Cemetery. You can hear it here on WSTA at 11:00 AM. WSTA will also broadcast the UVI graduation on Saturday

This is Emergency Medical Services Week.

This is EMS week and the Emergency Medical Service personnel want you to know that half a million American’s suffer the paralyzing effects of stroke, but early detection and treatment can dramatically improve recovery. Get to know your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, stop smoking, get on a heart healthy diet and exercise regularly. Work on your health every day and you may never need emergency medical Services

Boat Registration

Commissioner Dalmida-Smith issued an urgent reminded to the boating public that the annual registration of boats began May 1st and few have come in to register. If you own a boat or a mooring, this is the time to renew your registration.

Furniture Dealers Need Bonds

Commissioner Osbert Potter is requiring all furniture dealers to post a bond when they apply to renew their business licenses. Furniture stores must carry $25,000 in bonding to insure refunds to consumers of they fail to deliver the furniture they sell.

Fire Service

Fire Busters are going to the Firefighters Olympics in Las Vegas Nevada and today there is a fish fry at Fire Service headquarters from 5:00 PM. So when you get off work today drop by Fort Christian fire Service headquarters and fill up on fish. And on Sunday the Fire Busters will be at Brewers Beach with music by 17Plus to rise funds.

Bob Coates and Ace Sign in Magazine

Good news from the folks at Ace Sign Studio and Bob Coates Photography. SignCraft Magazine is featuring the St. Thomas sign makers in the May June issue of their magazine and the pictures are by Bob Coates. The signs for Mahogany Run, Bluebeard’s Beach Club, Paradise Point

Water Island Report

Excellent Sunset, Great swimming. Nothing new.