Friday, May 3, 1996

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


The Casino Commission is moving in high gear

The Casino commission held its first meeting yesterday and adopted its code of ethics, set the budget of 1.2 million dollars and hired a law firm to draw up the rules of Casino gambling in the Virgin Islands

Federal Highway Civil Rights Conference

Commissioner Ann Abramson and Governor Schneider announced that this is the first year that the Virgin Islands will be sponsoring the Federal Highway Civil Rights Conference along with Puerto Rico. Construction companies can qualify to the Disadvantaged Business Program which lets you bid on highway construction jobs and on stateside jobs as well. The Federal Highway Civil Rights conference is coming in June Register before May 16th. Tyrone Martin also asks all contractors and heavy equipment operators to come to Department of Public Works to get specifications for the removal of hurricane debris from Water Island.

National Tourism Week

Next week is National Tourism Week and there are lots of activities planned. St. Croix will really be celebrating – They have a new ship making St. Croix its homeport. Some school kids be tourism officials for a day, they’ll take a tourist type tour of the island, and there is a geography quiz coming too.

Waterfront Traffic Lights

The work on the waterfront traffic lights is complete – well they have one recalcitrant light to fix, but you can cruise at 20 MPH from Windward Passage to the Ft Christian Parking Lot and not see a red light.

Chief Minister of Montserrat Sends Thanks

The Chief Minister of Montserrat sent a letter expressing his deepest thanks to the people of the Virgin Islands for our effort to aid them while they are living under the shadow of the volcano. The volcano has been calm over the last 24 hours. The Montserrat Association is meeting Sunday at 5 PM Victor’s New Hideout.

Calvin “Bones” Jones At Conference

Our own Calvin Bones Jones just returned from the 20th International Conference of the National Association of Professional Band Instrument Repair Technicians. He has his shop set up in St. Thomas to repair musical instruments.


  • Nevis Benevolent Society has a fish fry Friday at 6PM at John Brewers Beach And when you are there, everyone thank Roland Davis from the Good News Guy, if it wasn’t for Roland, there’d be no good news guy.
  • It’s Taxi Appreciation night this evening tonight from 6 to 8 PM at Frenchman’s Reef. For every one who operates a taxi. Its tonight at 6 PM
  • Ivanna Eudora Kean School Class of 1976 is meeting a Diamond Barrel Restaurant at 6 PM This is about your 20th reunion.
  • Charlotte Amalie High School Class of 62 meeting at Windward Passage at 5:30.
  • Westline Gamecock Football team is meeting at 5:30 at Kirwin Terrace Ball park.
  • Lockhart PTA is meeting Sunday the 5th at 4 PM at Charlotte Amalie High School Commissioner Cheek will be the speaker and talk about the modular classrooms

Playground – OR – Classrooms

Finally this: Do the modular classrooms at Lockhart school have to go where the kids playground is? Yesterday the contractors started to pull down the playground, but parents and teachers intervened and the playground is safe for now. That’s the Lockhart school kids good news.