Wednesday, March 05, 1997

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Rum Revenues are Safe

Governor Schneider had a conversation with Ambassador Lang who is the US representative at those trade talks where our rum revenues are the topic. Governor Schneider announced that the Rum Tariffs will remain in place. Ambassador Lang said they will retain US Custom’s Tariff’s on bulk and bottled rum produced abroad. This means that the USA will not be flooded with cheap rum from other countries. Caribbean Rum will continue have a market advantage. 03/04/97 1:15 PM

Mapp Adds New Insurance Carrier

Lt. Gov. Mapp has introduced a new player in the insurance business in the Virgin Islands. He says the Island Heritage Insurance Company is coming here to sell insurance at a low rate. Mapp says Island Heritage of the Cayman Islands has the financial depth to write insurance in these islands and be able to handle the claims if there is a disaster. 03/04/97 2:19 PM

No Secrets in Landfill Process

Alicia Barnes announced this morning that the process of selecting the landfill on St. Croix has been perfectly normal. There is no secret plan, nothing is being hidden. The process of approving the proposed land fill site has to go through the CZM permit process and there will be full public hearings about the landfill. 03/05/97 8:42 AM

Funds Found for Foster Grandparents.

Foster Grandparents get good news. Despite a cut in the federal subsidy for the foster grandparents program, some are getting their stipends and others should receive theirs this morning. 03/05/97 8:44 A

Hot Line On-line

Liston Davis announced that the Teen Crisis Intervention Hot Line is back in service. The phone number is 775-0351. Students from all islands who need assistance in what every way may call the number in confidence. It’s open from after school hours until 7:00 PM Monday through Thursday The number is 775-0351. That’s 775-0351

ATM Fee Passed Committee

The Finance Committee approved six leases, including Lynch Pit Stop, the US Post Office, The St. Thomas All Stars, Offshore Marine, St. Thomas Catering and Robert Lynch Trucking. They approved a bill to add a fee to ATM transactions in the Virgin Islands. The committee approved Senator Gomez’s amendment that will exempt local ATM users from the fees. The proposed $2, will mostly effect cruise ship passengers who up to 9 dollars to use ATM machines on the ships. The revenues would be channeled into Tourism advertising. 03/05/97 7:57 AM

Department of Planning and Natural Resources Safety Checks

Department of Planning and Natural Resources police were out in force this morning checking boats of all sizes in Crown Bay Marina. The Police said it is a spot check and they are going to only issue warnings to people whose boats do not have all the safety equipment they should have. That’s DPNR police making the water here a little bit safer. 03/05/97 7:57 AM

Road Widening – Ft Mylner

Dept. of Public Works is holding a special meeting tonight to discuss the proposal to widen the road from Wheatley Shopping Center to the top of Raphune Hill. That’s at 5:00 PM at CAHS Auditorium. The Gov. signed orders to begin the rebuilding of the intersection in Fort Mylner. The plan will reroute traffic coming from Nadir around Banco Popular building to a new four way intersection at the entry to the Mall. 03/05/97 8:41 AM

Mocko Jumbie Jamboree gets News Sponsors

Good News from the Mocko Jumbie Jamboree This years stilt dancers are being sponsored by local companies. InterDecor is sponsoring Asi Torres and Doorman-Norman the Window and Door Repairman is sponsoring Johnathan Varley-George. You can see Mocko Jumbie Jamboree in the Adult Parade April 26th.