Wednesday, June 25, 1997

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


We’re In the Movies

There’s a movie opening on July 2nd, called Out to Sea all about a cruise ship. The film was shot on the MS Westerdam and a lot of the movie was shot on our own West Indian Dock. So when you hear about Out to Sea, you know that ticket buyers are seeing the beautiful US Virgin Islands and reminding everyone what a wonderful destination we have. That movie opens July 2nd.

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: 84 Degrees Water Temp: 72 Degrees Skies: Crystal Clear, Occasional Cloud Chance of Rain: 30%: Beach and Swimming : Perfect Sailing and Diving : Perfect Drinks: Ready

Senate Tabled Prison Bill

The senate met in a special session yesterday yet they have little to show for their effort. They tabled the Governor’s tax bill indefinitely. They argued over the bill to transfer prisoners off island, but couldn’t get off the tax topic. The debate was harsh and often off the topic. On a motion to unseat Senate President Lorraine Berry and a counter motion to get back on topic, the minority walked out and nothing more was done.

New Commissioners will be Sworn-in Today

There is a swearing in ceremony at Government House today. Wylie Whisonant will be sworn in as Commissioner of Tourism, Dean Luke to Property and Procurement, Carmelo Riviera to the Dept. of Labor and Juan Centano to the Bureau of Finance. The Governor is planning a meeting on Thursday to deal with Hurricane and earthquake preparedness.

Partners for Health Have Good News

The event of the morning is at 10 at the Schneider Hospital where Partners for Health will kick off the annual Governor’s Cup Billfish Tournament. The hospital is getting some much needed technology from Partners for Health: two auto syringe pumps, a micro-volume extension, Swan-Gaz Catheter, and a special X-ray table. It is all the gear to determine the pulmonary status of a patient in cardio-vascular shock. In a word, its a gift that could save your life.

Draft Education Report Complete

The Governor’s Education committee met with Governor Schneider about their progress. Mark Marin said the hearings were tedious at times, but the mission was to hear all of the public concerns with education. Many of the Commissions suggestions have already been implemented by the Education dept. or is part of legislation introduced by Senator Vargrave Richards. The final report is in the works.

Virgin Islands in Washington DC Carnival

Coming Up: The Virgin Islands will be represented in the DC Caribbean Carnival ’97 on Saturday June 28. The Image Band will be on the road pumping music to the people There are also entries from the New York based VI organization Freshwater Yankees. Later on Saturday there is a big VI jam with Image Band and Burning Flames. On Sunday there will be the big VI picnic hosted by the VI Association of DC.

HIV Testing Available

Department of Health is sponsoring HIV Testing Day. You Can take the HIV test today on St. John at the Myrah Keating Smith Community Health Center from 9:00 AM – until noon. HIV test is on Friday on St. Thomas at the Schneider Hospital (9-4) and on St. Croix at the Frederiksted Clinic (9-3). This is free confidential testing. Take the test, take control of your life.

Harbor Night

Tonight is Harbor Night in Frederiksted and you are reminded that at 5pm cars are supposed to off Strand Street, Hill St. and Market St. from Strand to King St. Don’t park there after 5:00 PM or you may be towed.

Help Elsa Huggins

Esla Huggins called to say she lost her black bag at Henry’s Dry Cleaning in Four Winds yesterday. She had car trouble and while out with the car, the bag disappeared. It is a black bag with a long shoulder strap. She lost her identification, Driver’s License and other personal papers. Please return the bag the Henry’s Dry Cleaning.

Top Supervisor of the Year!

The Caribbean Hotel Association holds an annual event to honor the top professionals in the hotel field all over the Caribbean. This years Caribbean Hotel Association American Express Awards Luncheon was held in Anguilla and among the honorees was Robert Mitchell the engineering supervisor at the Renaissance Grand Beach Resort who was honored as the Top Supervisor of the Year for 1997. That’s Robert Mitchell’s Good News.

Water Island Report

At a meeting of the territorial Emergency Communications Committee, Water Island was included in emergency planning for post-disaster communications. As of this meeting there will be a Water Island representative on the TECC for the first time ever. Water Island is slowly getting included in all kinds of things.

It’s your Good News! You tell us and we’ll tell everyone.