Thursday, June 12, 1997

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


America’s Cup Challenge Swimming program Begins.

Dr. Sydney Comissiong urged local residents to get involved with the America’s Cup Challenge. At a social last evening at Palm Count of the Harbor View Hotel, the America’s Cup Challenge team announced that the first 12 local youth learned to swim and they are beginning their sailing lessons. It was also announced that sports writer George Plympton (who has been involved with the NY Yacht club’s America’s Cup racing) said that he is supporting the Virgin Islands America’s Cup Challenge this time around. We can win this one!

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: 85 Degrees Water Temp: 71 Degrees Skies: Crystal Clear, Occasional Cloud Beach: Perfect Swimming: Perfect Diving: Perfect Sailing: Perfect Drinks: Ready

Hero of the Hour

Addie Ottley of WSTA is making good news. He is a finalist for the Marconi Award from the National Association of Broadcasters. He is one of five finalists, for small market personality of the year. In the next two weeks radio broadcasters will get a ballot and the final voting begins July 14th. The voting is over Aug. 14th. In Sept the awards program will be held at the New Orleans Convention Center in Louisiana. Addie’s a finalist!

Molasses Pier Funding approved

The Finance committee met yesterday in an emergency session to approve bond funding for the St. Croix Molasses Pier. The project will begin this summer, run for about a year and it will cost 8.2 million dollars. The new pier will accommodate molasses carrying ships and make room for the AT&T cable ship to move to St. Croix and free Crown Bay docks for cruise ship traffic.

WAPA Bond Ceiling Goes Up

The committee on Government operations approved an increase in WAPA’s bond ceiling to allow for the purchase of a gas turbine generator. This caused a howl of outrage from senators Hansen and Redfield who said the increase in bond ceiling will raise electricity rates and virtually kill any plan to sell part of WAPA. The Rules Committee also approved a number of bills that will permit the formation of Limited Liability Partnerships which brings orur laws up to date.

Virgin Islands Callings is going South

The Department of Tourism is sending the road show to Atlanta, Birmingham, Nashville Richmond, Alexandria and Baltimore as part of the Virgin Islands Callings programs to build more summer visitor traffic. They are presenting us to travel agents and stateside media.

Ambulance Costs to Drop

Health Commissioner Poblete announced that the cost of ambulance service will drop to $300 for basic services on St. Croix and St. Thomas. On St. John ambulance service to the Myrah Keating Smith Clinic will cost $300 and transfer on the ambulance boat will cost $400.

Draft of Discipline Policy

The first draft of the uniform discipline policy for our schools is now available for public comment. Copies of the draft discipline policy are in the school board offices on all islands. And public hearing are on St. Croix June 17th at the Legislative Conference Room Frederiksted and on June 19th at the Senate Chambers St. Thomas

The St. John Park Center is on Hold

Delegate Dr Donna Christian-Green announced that the National Park Service listened to St. John residents and they are putting on hold the construction of a new national park center in St. John. Residents don’t want to lose the palm trees, or the playground space. The Park Service will take more input from us before they build the park center.

Senator Fonsie is Back from Washington

Senator Donastorg was in Washington for four days of meetings with officials regarding the landfill problems in St. Thomas and St. Croix. Fonsie says all of his meetings were fruitful and most of the officials he met didn’t know that our problems existed at all.

La Domanie Hearing are this Friday

If you are interested in the LaDomaine development above Magen’s Bay the hearing is Friday June 13th at 9:30 AM at the Public Services Commission in Barbel Plaza. Environmental Association of St. Thomas-St. John is asking all parties who are concerned about 78 new houses above Magen’s bay to attend this hearing.

Coming Up:

Rising Start Steel Band members must report to the Territorial Court at 3:00 PM – today. Tomorrow 12:30 PM – Early Childhood Association is holding a membership meeting for all current and prospective members of the Virgin Islands Early Childhood Association at the Legislative Conference Room

Water Island Report
