Thursday, July 04, 1996

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


We’re going to the First Caribbean Baseball Tournament

Today is Independence Day a federal holiday to commorate this date in 1776 when the Young American states declared that they would no longer be slaves to the English crown. These two days work well together. The process of declaring the end of tyrany starts in 1776 and doesn’t end until July 3 1848 with the emancipation of slaves. Banks, territorial and federal government offices are closed.

500 New Citizens

The Dept of Immigration and Naturalization held the largest naturalization ceremony in the territory’s history yesterday in St. Croix with over 500 people taking the oath of citizenship. Tomorrow there is another ceremony in St. Thomas with 310 new citizens. That’s 810 new citizens.

Baseball Tournament

Well it is official, the Virgin Islands baseball Federation has received an has accepted an invitaiton to the 1st Caribbean baseball tournament in Aruba August 16th to the 25th. The Tournament marks the beginning of a new Olympic ccycle leading to the Olympics in 2000 in Sydney Australia, If you want to play on the team call 772-1570

Maho Bay Pavillion

Friends of the Virgin Islands National Parks announced that they had completed repairs of the Maho Bay pavillion which was damaged in both Hugo and Marilyn. Thanks to Georgia Pacific Corp, Schmidt Construction and the whole group of volunteers.

New Tourism Video

The dept of Tourism has released its new 1996 destination video with all footage after Marilyn and lots of upbeat messages about vactioning in these islands. Featured in the the 12 minute video are the Atlantis Submarine, seaplanes, Paradise point, the forts, tramways, ferries, hydrofoils and horse back riding. The music is by the Rising Stars.

On Today’s Calendar:

Nevis Benevolent Society is holding a food sale in the the Ft Christian Parking Lot from 10 AM until the food runs out Traditional Mocko Jumbiess are going to St. John meet at the dock at 9:30 AM Also the Mocko Jumbie Jamboree and the New Love City Mockette of St. John will all be in the festival in St. John performing together. The St. John parade starts at 11 AM at Virgin Islands National Park Center.

Free Stuff

Get a pencil, you remeber the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, they give free sneakers to single parent families with incomes under $27,000. Now they have computer printers to give to you. Their address Box 346 Union NJ 07083. You have to pay the shipping but the computer printer is free.