Friday, July 19, 1996

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines

Our Troops are Coming Home.

We sent seven members of our National Guard to Bosnia last fall. Well their hitch is up. They’re coming home. The homecoming celebration at 5:30 Saturday evening at Alexander Hamilton Airport in St. Croix.

Congressman Victor Frazer In St. Croix for Federal Funds

Congressman Victor Frazer is in St. Croix today with Wilbur Peer of the Rural Development Mission of the Department of Agriculture. Mr Peer and the Congressman are inspecting port authority facilities to see if there are rural business development funds for our airport and harbor from the Dept of agriculture Rural development programs.

Travel Agents Visiting

There are a lot of travel agents visiting us right now to see how wonderful these islands really are. They are here courtsey of the Dept of Tourism and they’ll be in town tonight for Christmas in July. When you see a tour agent go up, say hi and let them know just how friendly we really are.

WAPA Increases

WAPA says the average utility bill will increase by about $2.40 a month for electricity and about $1.53 on water bills. WAPA will use the funds to self insure, pay for fuel and implement federal clean air regulations. Clean air is worth paying for.

Finance Committee Discovers…

Sen Hansen’s committee revealed that the Dept of Education has not been paying its vendors. She calls it an ongoing problem that has to be fixed. President Kean wants more money for UVI. The current 22 million dollar budget does not include disaster mitigation or retroactive salary increases. The university’s only raises about 10% of its budget on its own.

New Hotel Names

Get ready for Harmony Eco Resort, and Ritz Carleton Hotel and Renassance Hotel. Bye Bye to Grand Palazzo and Stouffers Grand. The Harmony Eco Resort is new in St. John. With the world’s first ecologically sustainable tourist development. We had it first in the USVI!

On the Calendar:

  • Sen Donastorg has hearings tonight on the environment at 5:30 in the legislature building
  • The Nevis Benevolent Society at Hair So New at 7:30
  • The shops are open. The Rising Stars, and Imaginations Brass are playing. Mocko Jumbie Jamboree will lead the dancing in the streets. It must be Christmas in July
  • Toastmaster’s 9428 at 6 PM for an evening of political speeches at the UVI Chase Auditorium
  • CAHS Class of 89 is meeting at 5:30 at Emancipation Garden. They have a food sale Saturday at 11AM at Ft Christian Parking Lot
  • Summer Explosion 96 with legendary Berris Hammond and Lady Saw at 9 PM at Lionel Roberts Stadium.
  • Tomorrow: Rotary East has voter registration in Red Hook at Am Yacht Harbor from 11 to 3 PM
  • The Emancipation Garden Post Office has a breast cancer screening on Saturday 9 AM
  • Retired Police Organization is meeting 10 AM at Percy’s Bus Stop
  • Sunday: East End Lion’s Leo’s Club is meeting at 5 PM at the Holy Family Church.
  • French Heritage Arts and Crafts Fair is rescheduled to today at Sib’s Ballfield from 10 AM to 5 PM Call 774-2696

Finally this:

Red Cross says that a lot of people are suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. Several disasters in a row will get anyone down, but when we rise we get stronger, hardier, more resilient. Here are some tips: Do some storm preparation work. Seize the opportunity. Work on your positive attitude, positive talk Add some stress busters to your daily routine. Plan your rise. Set acheivable goals. You can do it, that’s the good news