Tuesday, February 17, 1998

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Brought to you by: Red Hook Family Practice, Island Block, and Discount Travel. Wherever you are planning to go, your travel dollar takes you further at Discount Travel. And Cobex Internet bringing the world of information to the Virgin Islands.

Bob Coats Gets Cover Shot

Our own local photographer, Bob Coats has a photo on the cover of a book on photography. Coats says it is all due to the Internet. He put some of his photographs on his Internet web page and they caught the attention of a book editor who was creating a series of books on how to be a professional photographer. Coats photo on the book cover is one of fireworks over St. Thomas Harbor. http://www.bcphoto.vi/

Today’s Photo: Bob Coat’s Web Page

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: 88 Degrees at 11 AM Skies: Sunny, Occasional Cloud Chance of Showers: Slight to 10%: Water Temp: Perfect Beach and Swimming Conditions: Perfect Sailing and Diving Conditions: World Class! Drinks: Ready

Do you want to be a Freedom Fighter?

The Emancipation 150 Commemoration Commission is looking of 100 men women and children of all ages to portray the Freedom Fighters in the July 3rd re-enactment of the emancipation of Virgin Islands Slaves. The Freedom Fighters will march on July 3rd from Paul E. Joseph Stadium Fredreksted to Frederiksted to gather in front of the fort and hear the reading of the proclamation of emancipation read by a Danish actor portraying Peter von Scholten. If you want to be a freedom fighter, contact Clarence Heyliger at 772-1000.

Computers for Central High School

The Governor found some computers for Central High School. He made a presentation of a laptop computer to St. Croix Central principal Kent Moorehead and said that seven desktop computers are on their way. The computers come from the US General Services Administration. The Governor is asking GSA officials for fire equipment, and surplus federal vehicles.

E-TAN Up and Running

On another technology front, the Department of Education says that 14 of our schools have developed plans for their long term technological future. Eight of the 14 have been funded to implement their technology plans. The Educational Territory Wide Area Network is up and providing Internet services to all three big islands and the four schools pilot schools in the Innovative Technology Challenge Grant program. That’s Ivanna Eudora Kean School, John H. Woodson Jr. High School, Julius Sprauve School PTA and St. Croix Vocational High School. { Nb: To our on-line readers – despite these news releases from the Department of Education, we have not been able to get an e-mail address for any teacher at the schools in question. We know several of you are seeking such links and we will continue to ask the teachers to get us their e-mail addresses. }

Job Openings.

The Job Service has opening for a paralegal, sales manager for Apple computers, a director of housekeeping, an accounting clerk supervisor, a chef de parte’, a social worker, a tractor trailer driver, a project manager in education, a project coordinator for the school-to-work program, They also have jobs for a technical support technician and a secretary/bookkeeper. Call the Job Service at 340-776-3700

Tourism Office Has a New Film Kit

Our film kit got an update. The Department of Tourism has an old brochure that was sent out to movie makers to describe the film making capabilities of the territory. Well, now it’s a kit, customized to each filmmaker with photographs of the breathtaking vistas and new descriptions of the companies in the region that cater to the film industry. This new kit should produce more movies in the Virgin Islands.

Essence Says St. Croix is the Best

Essence Magazine says St. Croix is the best. They sent a honeymooning couple to St. Croix to stay at the Buccaneer Hotel and the trip is t he subject of a major story in this month’s issue of Essence Magazine. Essence is read by more than a million women of African-American descent.

American Won’t Change Plans

Delegate Christian-Green and business leaders from St. Croix were not able to convince American Airline to continue jet service to St. Croix after April 12. The flight from San Juan to St. Croix will end. American says there are too many empty seats.

Senate Finance Committee Meetings Today

The Senate Committee on Finance is meeting today to consider a number of requests for funding. There is a bill to add a surtax to long distance billing with a proviso that the tax not be passed on to the consumer. The phone companies are opposed as are most of the senators.

Tax Increase on Gasoline

Also on the tax front, an energy expert is calling for increases in the tax we pay on gasoline. He says that the taxes on gas in the insular areas of the US, including the USVI and the Pacific territories are among the lowest tax rates on gasoline in the world. Makes you stop to think, if our taxes are so low, how come our gas costs so much. For off-islanders, the cheapest premium gasoline on St. Thomas costs $1.61 per gallon. The lowest cost self-service premium gas is $1.53. St. Croix has full serve premium at $1.25 per gallon (They have the refinery!)

Coming Up:

This weekend Arts Alive is bringing back one of the top performers from last year. Corky Siegel and the Chamber Blues will return on February 25th at Tillets Garden. 775-1929 At 2 o’clock the Board of Directors of the Virgin Islands Finance Authority will meet at Government House for the annual meeting of stockholders in the West Indian Company Peace Corp. PTA will meet at 6:00 PM at the school. Caribbean Chorale Children’s Choir will resume rehearsals on Feb 17th at CAHS Music Suite. New Voices are welcome. CAHS Parent Teacher Student Association will meet for parents of 9th graders only on the topic of block scheduling. Report cards will be issued during the meeting. Junior Statesmen need to get their applications at the High School Councilor’s office to compete for three scholarships to attend the Jr. Statesman program. Applications are due back by February 25th

Water Island Report

Did three days go by. I missed them. Maybe something happened, but I missed that too. So we come to the conclusion that if there was something happening that I missed it, but then if something was happening, I would have known. Back to reset the snooze alarm.

It’s your Good News! You tell us and we’ll tell everyone.