Wednesday, February 05, 1997

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


New Vehicles of Police, Social Services

The Finance Committee met yesterday and unanimously approved the use of federal funds to purchase 14 vehicles for Police and Human Service agencies. They approved vehicle for the School Security program, Domestic Violence project and Police Special Operations, also Foster Grandparents, Senior Citizen Affairs, Youth Rehabilitation and the Homemaker program. The committee wants to re-survey of the land for Lubin Roberts Construction and approved the lease for Frank’s Bakery in Subbase.

Our Public Relations Firm took top Awards

The official Public Relations firm of the Virgin Islands has won three awards. The Hospitality Sales and Marketing Association voted Martin Public relations the winner of their annual Golden Bell Public Relations Awards. They also got a bronze for crisis communication, and a bronze for the brochure Getting Married in the US Virgin Islands. There were more than 1500 applicants for the honors.

Dept of Labor report – High Demand Jobs

The Dept. of Labor released its 18th annual review of the market for labor in the US Virgin Islands. The report also says there are some high demand jobs that are hard to fill, heavy equipment operators, plumbers, counselors carpenters and auto body repair are jobs with high demand that are hard to fill. Oh, and there is an opening for a school nurse at the Dept. of Education. 774-8588

More Teachers Say Students

The Education Commission is continuing their hearings by listening to the students at Central and Elena Christian. The kids know what they want, more teachers, more substitutes, counselors, school nurses and bi-lingual teachers. Hearings continue today from 6 to 9:00 PM at the Ed Complex and tomorrow there are student hearings at CAHS. Monday at Ivanna Eudora Kean School.

Calypso of the Year – MSI Sponsorhsip

MSI is going to be the primary sponsor of the Calypso of the Year competition for the 13th year in a row. Calypsonians should get their applications for this years MSI Calypso of the Year competition. The prize is $2500 and a 21 day trip throughout the Caribbean. Entry deadline is March 6th.

Fonsie Says Fix Magens Bay

Senator Adlah Fonsie Donastorg met with the Magen’s Bay Authority on Monday to see what needs to be done to get new sheds built at Magens. Donastorg says we need another bathhouse, new roads and a clean up of the coconut grove and arboretum. Magen’s is our greatest natural treasure and belongs to everyone, so it should be our best showcase.

League Tribute Planned

League of Women Voters is planning a tribute to the public service of three long time members. Ruth Moolenaar, Mavis Brady and Helen Gjessing will be honored with the League’s Impact Award at a meeting on Sunday at noon at Caribe Beach resort at noon.

NetDay Coming Up

The Dept. of Education is sponsoring a Technology Telethon to raise awareness of the Internet as a school information tool. There will be a net day project to wire the first of our schools. It takes a lot of non-technical volunteers. During the week of February 16 we’ll be telling you how you can help.

Coming Up:

  • This is for all steel band leaders who wish to participate in this year’s Carnival You are meeting today at 5:30 PM at CAHS Music Suite. 
  • All Band leaders are meeting tomorrow at Carnival Committee Headquarters
  • Lockhart Elementary School Parent Teacher Association is meeting at 5:30 PM at the school’s cafeteria. Clinton Stapleton will be the guest speaker.

First Male Crossing Guard

Finally this: The Crossing Guards have their first male crossing guard in training. Calvin Carty has joined the force and is in training in the mornings at the Catholic school road crossing. That’s Calvin Carty making good news.

Stanton Nominated to Head National Park Service

Do you remember Robert Stanton? He was the superintendent of the St. John national Park from 1971 to 1974. Well he went up the National Parks ladder and now he has been nominated to take the helm of the National Park Service as its Director.