Tuesday, February 25, 1997

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


St. Croix will Continue Cruise Ship Discounts

The Port Authority has voted to extend the special deal cruise ships get when they come to St. Croix after St. Thomas. If a cruise ship commits to 25 calls in the Frederiksted pier they get a discount of pilot fees, marine fees dockage and other cruise ship goodies. St. Croix Tourism and the Chamber of Commerce – This is good news, you have a new tool to attract cruise ships. 02/25/97 8:05 AM

Landfill Site Selected – Purchase Under Negotiation

The commission to select a new landfill site on St. Croix has a spot. The site has to be in a location that is more than 10,000 feet away from the airport, away from the flood plane, far from dense population sites and unable to pollute an aquifer. Alicia Barnes says the site has been chosen and negotiations are under way to purchase the land. The site will eventually house a waste to energy plant and a recycling facility. 02/25/97 7:48 AM

Progress on St. John Water

The Senate moved forward the deeds to Enighted Bay on St. John in their transfer to WAPA. WAPA needs he lots to set up distribution of potable water on St. John. The deeds move on to the senate rules committee. The same committee turned back a franchise for Teleview cable TV on St. Thomas

Everyone for Swimming

Senator Liburd wants mandatory swimming and first aid classes in our schools. We are surrounded by water, we travel by boat between islands. Wouldn’t it be good if every student knew how to swim. First Aid? – well of course it makes sense for everyone to know how to do the basics of first aid. 02/25/97 7:48 AM

Governor Calls For Fixing These Problems.

The Governor is attacking some of the problems on St. Croix. The island administrators are looking into the potholes and they are working on a spruce up for Cramer’s park. The Governor is also working on downtown Charlotte Amalie again. The Governor called in community leaders to fix Main Street. First step: Ban parking on Main Street beginning March 10th. Through traffic only. The Taxi Association said they only need to pull over. The Mall may get another try now that the streets are more crowded. The Governor also formed a group to find more space for parking in town. 02/25/97 7:48 AM

Coming Up:

  • Mr. Beazer says there is basketball tonight. Championship Game! Tonight at 6:00 PM at UVI Fieldhouse. You can hear it on tape delay at 8:00 PM right here on WSTA. 
  • February 28th is the last day for health permits and health cards. All food vendors, food handlers, drink manufacturers day care centers, bakeries and wholesalers must apply for their health certificates by Friday of this week. 
  • Are you interested in hearing Terry Anderson, the man who was held hostage in Lebanon. The South Eastern Airport Managers Association annual conference is coming to St. Thomas April 20-22 and Terry Anderson, is the main speaker. The business community is invited to register for the conference. Call Jeannette Nielsen at 774-1629 x 240

America’ Cup Team Signs Peter Warren

The America’s Cup Challenge signed up Peter Warren of New Zealand to be part of the America’s Cup Challenge. Warren has moved to St. Thomas to begin the four year training regimen leading to the America’s Cup races in New Zealand in 2000. Warren is a professional sailor and joins our team as a trimmer, another step toward winning the America’s Cup. 02/25/97 8:46 AM