Friday, February 07, 1997

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Three Opinions on The Omnibus Territories Act

The Governor gave Congressional testimony yesterday on the Omnibus Territories Act. He says the acting governor provisions are archaic in light of modern communication. He supports the change to parity bonds, as a necessary part of our financing of government debt. The told Congress the federal policy of reducing tariffs and opening trade has harmed the territory and we need new economic engines. He asked Congress for new short term borrowing power to ease our cash crunch. The Governor will hold a press conference on Monday at 10 AM in a joint meeting with the Youth Commission Press briefing. We’ll have it live on WSTA.

Delegate Green on Omnibus Territories Act

Delegate Green gave testimony on the same bill. She called for a referendum acting governor law. She supports changing our bonds parity bonds. And Delegate Green wants the Presidential commission to study our economy to arise from residents, without outside experts on economic development.

Lorraine Berry on Omnibus Territories Act

Lorraine Berry put out a statement in support of changing the acting governor law, Berry notes that the Governor often has to reverse orders after the Lieutenant Governor takes independent action. This is fertile ground for rancor and confusion. She supports the change in our bonds so we can refinance $270 million in debt, and reduce our interest payments. On the economic commission, Berry wants more local input and less colonialist thinking from outsiders. The proposed economic commission is supposed to think about our economy through the year 2020. It calls for clear 2020 vision.

What’s for Sale at WAPA?

Lorraine Berry wants to know exactly what is for sale at WAPA. She says, too little information about the proposed sale. Is it power, or water or what and how much are we talking about. 50 million 150 million. If WAPA is for sale, we should get the best market price, not a sweetheart deal or one bidder. She doubts it’s right to sell WAPA.

Dept. Housing Parks and Recreation Hearings

The Dept. Housing Parks and Recreation committee met yesterday to address housing issues. One roof has been replaced so far in the Governor’s roof replacement program. There is 27.6 million and the program expects to replace 240 roofs by July. Also, the Port Authority is not planning to dislodge residents in Bournfield but plans to eventually convert the area to airport uses. Senator White is petitioning the US Congress for more funds for housing programs.

Election Board asks for Comments and Recommendations

The election board wants to hear from you about the recent election. Write down your concerns and recommendations and send them to Board of Elections Box 6038 Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas 00804 or Fax them to 776-2391.

Coming Up:

  • Tonight on We the People, Andre’s Guest will be Dr. Frank Mills of UVI and Basil Ottley. 
  • The topic is the recent census and what it means about the Virgin Islands. Tonight at 6:30 Party Time and Associates 
  • Carnival Troupe is meeting this evening at Wok Delight at 75 Corners at 7:00 PM 
  • Al McBean Little League is going to try to launch the baseball season for the third Saturday in a row. Opening ceremonies are set for this Saturday at 8:30

Community Foundation Seeks Proposals for Mini-Grants

The Community Foundation has a program of mini-grants for community organizations with new programs that directly benefit children and families of the Virgin Islands. Grants range from $250 to $1000 and the application deadline is March 31, 1997. Call 774-6031

Energy Costs Up!

Energy Costs are up in according to Alicia Barnes of the Virgin Islands Energy Office. Propane gas is up 33% over last year. Barnes says we need to take another look at our excellent solar and wind energy. We have lots of sunshine while all the propane is imported.