Monday, December 15, 1997

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


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Insurance Companies Line up to Offer Plans

Are the vultures or angels? Now that Cigna is moving to get out of insuring government workers health, here comes American Heritage Life Insurance of Florida offering to produce the same plan Cigna pulled out of for a slightly better premium – better for us. Now we get to see how many insurance companies want our money.

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: 88 Degrees at 11 AM Skies: Sunny, Occasional Cloud Chance of Showers: Slight to 10%: Water Temp: Perfect at 82 degrees Beach and Swimming Conditions: Sooo Perfect Sailing and Diving Conditions: World Class! Drinks: Ready

Governor and Senators are Meeting

The Governor and the full senate along with top government officials are at the Renaissance Grand Beach Resort Monday morning to discuss the government employees health insurance. That’s beginning right now. Later today the Committee on Education will he holding hearings on school violence in Frederiksted at the Legislative Conference Room.

Central High Parents ask for God in the Classroom

At the PTA meeting at Central High School yesterday some parents were asking to return the reading of the Bible and prayer to the schools. Saying that the current problems in the schools requires a new approach and one element would be to restoration of the reading of the Bible and prayer in the schools.

This Week Emancipation Garden Rededicated

The rededication of Emancipation Garden will take place this Friday at 10:00 in the morning. The park has gone through a major renovation, with new electrical, plumbing, potable water systems, a refurbishing the bandstand, and flagpole, the Liberty Bell got a fix up, the sidewalks, drainage and landscaping have all gone through a renewal. Everyone is invited Friday morning.

American to Stop some Service

Uh Oh, this isn’t good news. There was a story in the St. Croix Avis that American Airline is planning to discontinue flying from San Juan to St. Croix in April of 1998. Senator Carol Burke is on this and has written to American to open them to reconsidering the decision. She points out that with the emancipation coming up St. Croix will be national news and lots of people will be coming for that event. In other news, Burke has placed an item on the next Senate agenda to open the Randall “Doc” James race track on a daily basis, and to require a promoter to offer 16 races per year and simulcast paramutual racing from all over America. This is about new tax revenues.

Budget Cuts to Hurt Human Service agencies

This isn’t good news either: The coming cuts in the territorial budget are going to effect the human service agencies. The Daily News reports that Dept. of Human Services will cut the budgets of human service agencies like the Women’s Resource Center by 22%. Michal Rhymer says they are going to have to do more fund raising and cut programs. Since the budget cuts are across the board for local social agencies, the United Way can expect more applications for support from them.

Good news makers over the weekend.

The Retired Police Officers held a dinner to honor outstanding police officers who are now retired. The honored Otis Felix, Lawrence Griffith, Jean Donavon-Petersen and Cyril Harrigan. The police also honored WSTA’s Lee Carle citing his years of dedication to reporting the hard news, the police news and bringing the police Department’s work to the public attention.

There was a retirement party for Mariga Rose Fleming who was the director for the dialysis unit at the hospital. She devoted her career to the needs of others and in retirement we wish Mariga Rose Fleming the peace and free time she has earned. Congratulations on a job well done.

Today’s Events

Zone A Police have community involvement meeting at 6:30 PM in the Zone A Roll Call Room. On St. Croix the Singspiration is at Paul Joseph Stadium Fredreksted at 6:00 PM Elena Christian Jr. High PTA has a Christmas concert this evening at 5:30 PM CAHS Band Boosters are meeting at the Music Suite of the School at 5:30 PM – Coming Up Tomorrow: UVI Cooperative Extension Service are hosting a Holiday Baking Workshop on December 16th at 9:00 AM – to 1:00 PM – at the Ramona Blaze Community Center in Kirwan Terrace.693-1086

Water Island Report

There was a retirement party on the beach for a St. Thomas Police officer. Wow! Two events in two days. This is getting exhausting.

It’s your Good News! You tell us and we’ll tell everyone.