Tuesday, December 17, 1996

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


The Governor is Calling the Legislature Back to Session

The Governor has called the 21st legislature into a special session this Thursday. The Governor’s agenda includes, the Commuter Incentive Tax, that’s 25 cents on the pound for new cars coming here. There’s a bill to amend the Virgin Islands Code regarding tax liens. A bill to open ATM machines to non-bank customers and charge a fee that goes to our tourism accounts. The Governor also wants a new bond ceiling for WAPA, and he wants the senate to address the nominations of Liston Davis, Wylie Whisonant and 8 other nominees.

WICO Dock – Model for Others

Our WICO Dock is a model for the others! This is really good news. You remember the Florida Caribbean Cruise Association Conference came here and brought cruise guys from everywhere. One lasting idea is the smooth operation we have at the WICO Dock and Havensight Mall. Edward Thomas of WICO says “we must be doing something right if everyone wants to pattern their dock on our model.” Jacque Bajal of Martinique said, “you fellows have the best operation we have seen in the Caribbean. Isn’t it nice to be the best.

School Vandals

Can it be true, Vandals hit Kirwin Elementary again this week. With the schools short of materials, we don’t need to have vandals make the situation worse. The last vandals left a note that said Mr. Sick was here. Lets find Mr. Sick and get him some help.


You’ve already read bad news about our schools, here’s some good news. The National Endowment for the Humanities is offering a series of summer seminars on a variety of academic topics and out teachers can attend for free. All teachers in all of our schools are eligeble for the semianrs. The deadline to apply is March 1st.

Rotary of Charlotte Amalie is holding their annual Christmas program for the children of J. Antonio Jarvis School at 1PM today. And Rotary Charlotte Amalie is also holding a Christmas Party tonight at 6:00 PM at L’Escargo with a fashion show. The Ladies and Gents of Rotary Charlotte Amalie are going to be the models and our beloved Ms J is the mistress of ceremonies and one of the models too.

Lottery is Wednesday This Week.

Oh, the Virgin Islands Lottery wants you to remember the lottery drawing is tomorrow Wednesday, not Thursday. This week’s Top Prize is $500,000. And Alex Dizon says there are 15 Alpha Star satellite dishes bonus prizes this week.

Coming Up:

  • We from Upstreet is announcing their Christmas schedule at 7:00 PM they have Deep Unda Kova in Roosevelt Park µ
  • The Governor’s Christmas Parties are coming up this weekend. On Friday the Governor and Mrs. Schneider invite everyone to Emancipation Garden on Friday at 5:30 PM.
  • On St. Croix the party is Saturday at Sunny Isle at 1:00 PM and on St. John, the party is Sunday at Cruz Bay at 3:00 PM. µ
  • Today is the last day to sell your used books back to the UVI Bookstore. Until 4:30 PM.

Grants Available

There are $137,000 in new grants available to address juvenile delinquency. Proposals are being sought from government agencies and non-profits about alternative education for high risk students, projects for youth employment or projects to change the attitude of our youth. Proposals are due January 31st.

On the sore spot report:

The sore spot hot line rang this morning with news of a terrible smell coming from Guttet’s Gade storm drain. Can Dept. of Public Works check into this. And the Daily News reports a sore spot. We couldn’t have said it better. Why are so many of the signs on our businesses partly missing? Joe’s Discount Extra without the S, Crown Bay Maritime missing the A or the I. Mechanical Supply with a third of the sign gone. Can we please get these signs of the times brought up to date. Thanks to the Daily News.