Monday, December 16, 1996

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


More Good News About the Census.

We told you last week anout the special census conducted in 1995, now there is more. The Dept of Interior has made a grant of $100,000 to perform a household and expenditures study this spring. The more we know about our population, the more insights we can ave on our economic development.

Exotic Pets

Department of Planning and Natural Resources reminds you that it is illegal to import snakes or other exotic animals without written permission of the Commissioner of Agriculture. And if you own an exotic animal, it is required that you register with the dept. of agriculture.

Business License Renewal

The Dept. of Licensing and Consumer Affairs reminds all business owners that business license renewal time is here. If a business doesn’t renew its license by the 31st of December, it constitutes willful neglect. Your business could be enjoined from operating. License renewal is due by month’s end.

Historic Preservation Rules Being Enforced.

The Historic Preservation Commission is going to begin enforcement of title 29 Section 285, the rules covering the historic district. Enforcement will begin on first of January.

IFG Program to End

Are you supposed to get an Individual and Family Grant due to Hurricane Marilyn or Hurricane Bertha? Human Services is finalizing the Individual and Family grant program and if you have not heard from them call 693-0345.

Pissarro Exhibit Opens

The Camile Pissarro exhibit opened on Sunday. Some of the art has never been on display before. The exhibit’s at the Lilienfeld House and it’s open every day through mid-March. The first lecture about the art will be this evening at 5:30 PM. Dr. Richard Brettell is the curator of the exhibit and a renowned expert on Pissarro. The exhibit consists of water colors, drawings and oil sketches depicting Caribbean life.

Ceiling Rent Program

The ceiling rent program has been confusing to a lot of people. The program keeps rents down for public housing residents. If it weren’t for the ceiling rent, the market rent or rend based on 30% of income would determining their rent. The ceiling rent is a better deal than the income based calculations.

Coming Up:

  • The Agricultural Experiment Station is holding a seminar today at 3:00 PM at the Research and Extension Center. The topic is Sustainable Forage Livestock Management.
  • All Virgin Islands Taxi members are reminded of a meeting today at 6:00 PM at the club house.
  • American Lung Association has a workshop tomorrow for one representative per school, the topic is Indoor air quality. It’s tomorrow at Windward Passage at 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM and on St. Croix at Gertrude’s rest.
  • Special Education Students will have a half day today to allow teachers and paraprofessionals to attend in-service training. Tomorrow the special Education students in the Jr. and Sr. high schools will have a half day so their teachers and paras can go to in-service training.
  • 20th Challenge of the Carols is coming up on Christmas morning at 6AM and the organizing meeting is Wednesday at 5:30 PM at the office of Senator Adlah Donastorg.

St. John Road Work

St. John has road work this week on Route 103, Residents are asked to minimize travel on the Bethany Road and be prepared to make stops. Dept. of Public Works is doing debris clean up in Coral Bay today and all week Dept. of Public Works is doing bulk waste clean up on St. John

Finally this:

There are grants available to address juvenile delinquency. $137,000 in grants. The Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Supervisory Board is seeking proposals from government agencies and non-profits that address alternative education for high risk students, programs to inform parents about community resources, and projects for youth employment or projects to change the attitude of our youth. Grant proposals are due January 31st.