Monday, December 09, 1996

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


The Feddy Award Winners are Named

The Federation of Teachers announced the winners of their annual Feddy Awards on Sunday. Our own Mr. Beazer took a prize for all the elementary sports tournaments he organizes. Other winners include Stephanie-Scott Williams, JoSandra Jones James, Rona Mae Freeman, The Police Dept. Juvenile Division, Clayton W. Samuel, and Rev. George Franklin. The Youth Humanitarian Award went to Warren Wells Sr. The Peer Award went to Alisa Horsford of CAHS.

Water Island on MS-NBC

Good news on TV about the Virgin Islands. Over the weekend MS-NBC arranged for a television show about the upcoming transfer of Water Island. They had lots of beautiful shots of our beaches and the talk was all about visiting our beautiful islands. The Governor is inviting everyone to the Water Island transfer ceremony on Thursday, we’ll bring it to you live on WSTA. Brought to you by Tickles Restaurant in Crown Bay Marina.

Delegate Vote Count Up by 214

More votes in Delegate-elect Dr Donna Christian Green got another 214 votes as the St. Thomas Absentee ballots were counted on Sunday. She now leads by 956 votes. Frazer says he is waiting for a recount.

Lion Governor Here

The Lions District Governor Colton Bennett of Barbados is in the Virgin Islands today to meet with all Lions tonight at Victor’s New Hideout. The Lion Governor will be on Lee Carle’s NewsDay for a live interview about his visit.

School Copier

Sometimes it takes a lot of hands to make something happen.. Sen-elect Roosevelt David found out that Berthe C. Boschulte School needed a high volume copy machine for Berthe C. Boschulte School. He stirred the resources and conjered up a copier through the combined efforts of AT&T of the Virgin Islands, St. Thomas Dairies, Vitelco and RC Spenceley Electronics. Now Berthe C. Boschulte School has a copier.

Montserrat Christmas Gift Drive

Today is the launch of Sen. Lorraine Berry’s campaign to gather Christmas gifts for the children of volcano wracked Montserrat. Gifts will be gathered Saturday at Emancipation Garden. Please wrap packages and indicate on the outside the age and sex of the child for whom the gift is intended. 774-0880.


Addelita Cancaryn Junior High School PTS is holding a Christmas Program tomorrow and they want everyone to bake a dish to share with everyone.

Dr Rashid Gives Presentation

Dr. Jan Rashid the Adjunct Professor of Early Childhood Education at UVI is in Phoenix giving a presentation to the Conference on Children with Special Needs. Her talk is about the role of the special education teachers in bringing all concerend parties together for the benefit of a special needs child.

No Nukes, Please

The United Nations International Maritime Organization conference is this week in London. Coast Guard Admiral James Card is going to the conference as the representative of the USA. Sen. Donastorg is calling on the admiral to ask that the nuclear waste shipment not pass through the Caribbean. We’ll see if he carries our message.

Finally This:

Over the weekend a man came into town to do the weekly food shopping. He carefully tucked two $100 bills in his pocket. Alas the pocket had a hole. After a number of errands, he was standing at the Pueblo check out line with no cash. The store manager said anyone who found 200 dollars call it Christmas and keep it. But this man retraced his steps, lamenting the loss at each stop. When he got to the site of his first errand, one woman on the staff said she’d found the money. She was hoping the owner would come back, and she returned the $200. The man was so struck by the honesty and integrity it took to return money he gave her half. She is 100 bucks ahead and the guy got to buy his family’s food