Thursday, August 07, 1997

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


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“Lets Hammer out Budget”

Senator Almando Rocky Liburd has written to Senate President Lorraine Berry to ask her to convene a gathering to hammer out a balanced budget for the Virgin Islands. He notes that the President and Congress have put aside politics to work together on a balanced budget, “We can do that too.”

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: 84 Degrees Water Temp: 72 Degrees Skies: Crystal Clear, Occasional Cloud Chance of Rain: 20%: Beach and Swimming : Perfect Sailing and Diving : Perfect Drinks: Ready

Governor Schneider is Back

The Governor has returned from Washington DC to attend President Clinton’s Signing of the Balanced Budget and Tax Decrease Law. The Governor flew out on Monday at President Clinton’s request. The bill includes provisions to pay off old over-collateralized bonds, this will free up 20 million dollars from five different funds for other purposes. Governor Schneider also raised the topic of using the Red Hook Park Service dock into a naturalization and immigration entry port. Governor Schneider requested $100,000 in technical assistance from Washington to computerize the election management and record keeping system.

St. John Waste Water Project Out to Bid

The Bidding process is about to begin for construction of the St. John Waste Water Treatment Plant. The pre-bid conference is scheduled for August 17th. This is a 5 million dollar project; 100 % funded by the US EPA. 30% of the funds are for Disadvantaged Businesses.

How Dangerous is Bovoni?

Last evening in Bovoni, environmental scientist David Gouzier informed residents about the state of air quality around the dump. While short bursts of exposure are not harmful, prolonged exposure can be dangerous, His advice, “Put that fire out.” Also on the environmental front, GreenPeace says a ship carrying nuclear waste has entered the Panama Canal and is scheduled to transit the Mona passage on August 8th and 9th. They are calling on all of us to protest the shipment of nuclear waste through the Caribbean Sea.

Coming Up:

Attention Parents this is a great place to take your children. There is a play at Tillets Garden Sunday at 4:00 PM . The play is entitled “The Trial of the Big Bad Wolf.” Sounds like excellent material for children. That’s Sunday at 4:00 PM – St. Thomas Lions Board of Directors will meet at 6:00 PM – at Palm Count of the Harbor View Hotel The Virgin Islands Advocates will file their 6th set of law suits to bring the local businesses into compliance with ADA regulations. Senate Finance Committee is examining the Office of Lieutenant Governor and other Law related budgets today. At 6:00 PM – Committee of the Whole to take up Community Development Block Grant. Junior Fire Fighters will be having an awards ceremony on Friday August 8th for the closing of the 1997 summer camp program. SPARKS invites everyone to the closing ceremony of the SPARKS Camp. Today at 6:30 PM – at Nisky Moravian Church. Reichhold Center for the Performing Arts has the world premier of Marilyn tomorrow. The show runs through August 11th. Call 693-1559

Sore Spot Getting Fixed

OK You all know about the sore spot at the Addelita Cancaryn Junior High School intersection, They have ripped up the surface to lay pipes. Tyrone Martin says they are going to repave that intersection Today. I said Today. Please stay out of the Addelita Cancaryn intersection today. Use Harwood Highway instead. Watch the flag person. Tyrone says if everyone cooperates, can get the job done by 3:00 PM. So come on everyone, stay out of Cancaryn School intersection.

Dept. of Public Works is Counting You

They are going to begin counting cars on the Queen Mary Highway on St. Croix. Dept. of Public Works is installing wires under the road surface that will count cars. Oh and whoever took the car counter in Estate Smithfield, please return it.

Savan Update

Residents and business owners in Savan St. Thomas were visited by Drug policy advisor Ramon, S. Davila, and Police Chief Elroy Brown while walking through the area early Wednesday. Members of the Drug Squad participated in a joint operation which resulted in the arrest of four individuals on St. Thomas. The Drug policy Advisor, applauds these officers for their continuing commitment to rid the streets of Savan of Drugs

Water Island Report

Is this a joke? What Water Island News’ ? OK, I found a cat, does that count as news from Water Island?

It’s your Good News! You tell us and we’ll tell everyone.