Tuesday, August 27, 1996

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Education Department to put computers on the World Wide Web

Dr. Eddie Donoghue announced that the Department of Education now has a presence on the international computer network called the World Wide Web. This is the beginning of the department’s use of the Web as part of the education process. Workshops are being held to train teachers on the use of the Web and to disseminate the technology through our schools.

School Schedules

Ivanna Eudora Kean School students with their schedules go to school today. If you do not have a schedules then: 9th and 10th graders start Thursday at 12:30. 11th and 12th graders start on Friday at 12:30. Charlotte Amalie High School students go to school today. I’ll have full school opening report at 10 AM.

Senate Schedule

The Senate is meeting today. They will be considering the School Drop Out Act, the Potter Parent participations act, they will consider a petition to Congress to amend the Organic Act, and they have seven bills bills to honor people or name buildings.

Water Meter Controversy

Water haulers are in a controversy. The Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs wants the water haulers to put meters on their delivery trucks. The haulers don’t want to buy the meters. If you care one way or the other, it is a good time to call your Senator with your view.

Farmer’s News

Here’s good news for the farmers, the Department of Agriculture has identified several local markets that are interested in purchasing cattle. The Department will assist the farmers in marketing their animals. Call Isabel Morton at 778-0997. I guess that’s not good news for the cattle…

Good News Weather:

Increasingly cloudy today and increasing chance of rain. Today’s high, about 85 Winds NE 15-20 and gusty. Hurricane Edouard’s 5 AM position is 19.7 north 57.5 west tracking to the NNW. Its path will take it 200 to 300 miles north of us. We will have heavy seas gusty winds and rain.

On the Calendar:

  • St. John Lions meeting at Freds at 6 PM Tuesday 27th
  • Eden Park Homeowners Association is meeting at 6 PM at Taco Bell on Tuesday with important documents for all homeowners to sign.
  • Wednesday: St. Thomas St. John Federation of Teachers has a meeting for all emergency Building representatives at the Taxi Associaton Building in Contant at 4:30
  • Troupe leaders and troupe members are reminded of the Coral Bay Labor Day Parade. It may be the smallest of the parades, but it will be bigger if you come. Troupe leaders and food vendors can call Lottie O’Neil.

Today’s Sore Spot:

Our sore spot caller says there’s a car on Bunker Hill with license T-3913 he says it has been there for months and why can’t we get that car hauled away..? Can we get this sore spot cleaned up?