Thursday, August 15, 1996

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Senate Says No to Election Districts.

In the Senate yesterday, Senators turned down a bill to set up election districts on each of the islands. They rejected a plan to create a banking and insurance bureau that is outside the Lt. Governor’s office. The senators passed bills to honor Ellis Christian, to posthumously honor the Civilian Conservation Corp. and they honored the Freshwater Yankees. They dedicated the St. Croix campus of UVI to Albert Sheen and passed a number of nominations. The senate overrode the governors veto to permit the port authority to seek funds to enlarge the St. Croix airport. They overrode the governors veto to allow government employees to retire early without paying a huge sum into the GERS system.

New Energy Grants

Congressman Victor Frazer announced that the Virgin Islands has received new grants from the the Dept. of Energy to the tune of $183,000. One grant is to update and enforce the building code for commercial buildings and another part of the grant is for energy efficiency in commercial and multifamily buildings.

Modular Classrooms

The modular classrooms tour pleased most parents, though some only saw the remaining work that needs to still be done. The Dept. of Education didn’t conduct a tour of the Lockhart modular classrooms, so parents had more questions than answers. The Dept. says the classrooms should be ready for school if the teachers are ready to teach.

Calypso Contest Contestant: Louis Ible Jr.

Louis Ible Jr. Is going to represent the Virgin Islands in World Calypso and Soca Monarch Finals in New York in September. 16 calypso artists are coming from everywhere between Barbados and as Germany to vie for a $15,000 prize. The contest is sponsored by Everybody magazine that said the purpose is to promote Calypso as an art form. Do they really have calypso in Germany?

New Whirlpool Dealer

Here’s a bit of business news. American Furniture has become the new Whirlpool dealer for St. Thomas St. John. They are already dealers for Maytag and now they have become the official dealers in the area for Whirlpool too. American Furniture is right across from CAHS.

Who Lived Here 1000 years ago… ?

When we say hurricane we are using a word from the Taino language. Same with barbecue. There are words born here. There’s a lecture series this weekend as experts will talk about the people who lived here a thousand years ago. It’s at the Virgin Islands Cultural Heritage Institute in the Corbeiere Building #5 Kongens Gade.

Good News Weather:

Take the umbrella with you there’s a 50% chance of rain, with isolated thunderstorms, Highs 85 to 90, Winds East at 15 mph. No major storms but a tropical wave will pass through by Friday..

On the Calendar:

  • WAPA says they are working on the water at the Donoe development, so there’s an outage until 6 PM there.
  • Virgin Islands Board of Tax review meeting at 10 AM at Lagoon Street Complex Legislative Conference room upper floor
  • Voices of Love are meeting at 7:30 at the home of the President.
  • The Horse Racing Commission is meeting at Parks and Recreation Subbase at 6 PM.
  • St. John Rescue is meeting at 5 PM at the Fingerdock in Cruz Bay Call 776-6444
  • The UVI Small Business Development Center has a class tonight on How to Price Products and Services that’s at 6:30 on both UVI campuses. Call 776-3206
  • The Literacy Center can help you learn to read or improve your reading skills on St. Croix call 773-1095

Finally This

You all called for this phone number. Its about the Anne Greene Walsh scholarship fund. If you are a Virgin Islands HS grad, currently in a 4 year degree program maintaining a 2. grade point average you could be eligible for a scholarship. The Community Foundation of the Virgin Islands phone number is 774-7993