Monday, August 19, 1996

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


What a Visit from The USS Detroit!

We had a great visit with the USS Detroit. The Governor went out to see the ship while the crew visited 400 at a time. Downtown was quiet Sunday and the sailors blended right in. The most important thing is the community welcomed the sailors and left the impression we were really pleased to have them here. That’s good news.

Road Work Coming!

The Department of Public Works has new federal funds to do road repairs. There are emergency funds for debris removal and drainage repair. There’s 3 million to work on Fort Mylner and that work will begin within a month. Lover’s Lane is going to get some work. There is 2.4 million from the Department of Interior for road work on Water Island. There is 2.9 million for the St. Croix Molasses Pier and two major contracts have been awarded to do road work in St. Croix.

Tax Refund Checks

The checks are coming again. The next 13 million of our Hurricane Marilyn loan came and the Department of Finance is resuming printing tax refund checks. Senator Hansen announced that this drawdown will allow about 750 thousand for tax refunds. There are other priorities that have to be addressed, payment to vendors, 10% matching for FEMA funds and the biweekly government payroll.

Welfare Reform Task Force

The Governor has created a task force to review the federal legislation regarding welfare reform. The task force is to review our support programs, develop alternatives and educate the public about the new welfare law. The welfare reform law could have a serious impact here.

Senate Agenda

The Senate is meeting tomorrow to consider the safe schools act, the dropout prevention act, the parents participation act and the rules regarding ownership of a gun. They are also going to decide whether to create a Water and Power rapid response disaster fund and they have 9 bills to honor people and name buildings.

On the Calendar:

  • Today: Teachers report to Sts Peter and Paul. Students report Aug. 26th.
  • Tomorrow: At noon, the America’s Cup Foundation will hold a lunch at Tickles East End with John Cutler talking about some of the opportunities for the VI in our America’s Cup Challenge. Remember we are going to the America’s Cup in 2000 and there are business opportunities in this sporting event. Lunch tomorrow at Tickles, Red Hook.
  • Senator Petrus is holding a town meeting about the Bovoni Landfill tomorrow at 5:30 at the 7th Day Adventist Church in Bolongo.
  • Ivanna Eudora Kean School Student orientation is coming up Thursday and Friday this week.

Sore Spot Report

There is a sore spot that needs to be fixed up. On the main road before Limetree there’s a WAPA pole bent over and the light is not right. There’s a sore spot. WAPA, fix the street light on the main road before Limetree. If you see a Sore Spot, call the Good News guy and nominate a Sore Spot you want fixed up or cleaned up. We’ll make good news.