Wednesday, April 01, 1998

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Brought to you by: Murphy’s Auto Parts, B&P Market, Island Block, Value Furniture and Discount Travel. Wherever you are planning to go, your travel dollar takes you further at Discount Travel. And Cobex Internet bringing the world of information to the Virgin Islands.

United Way Hits Goal Plus!

United Way can be pleased to have hit their goal this year – plus a little more. The members met on March 27th to hear Yannick Bayard report on the conclusion of this year’s campaign. United Way raised 495,825.28 which is 104.3 per cent of their original goal. Bayard thanked the hundreds of volunteers from all segments of our society for their help in surpassing goal.

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: 85 Degrees at 2 PM Skies: Sunny Chance of Showers: Slight Water Temp: Perfect Beach and Swimming Conditions: Perfect Sailing and Diving Conditions: World Class! Drinks: Ready for You!

New Grant Money

The Governor announced that the Virgin Islands has received 3 million in new grants from HUD for several community projects. There is 2 million for the community development block grants, 100,000 for Emergency Shelter programs and the HOME Investment Partnership program will get 1,133,000 dollars.

US Attorney’s Office – Training on Asset Forfeiture

The members of the law enforcement community are at Marriott’s Frenchman’s Reef today in a seminar on Asset forfeiture. They are learning how to seize the assets of criminals after their convictions. Say a drug uses a car in committing his crime, that car can be seized and sold. Proceeds of these asset sales come back to the police or the community.

Parking Lot Closed

Beginning today the parking lot at King’s Wharf Christiansted is closed to all public parking. The closure is to allow the beginning of rehabilitation of the grounds around Custom’s House, Scale House, King Christian Hotel, the Bandstand and King’s Wharf.

Archeology and Historic Preservation Division Moves

The Department of Planning and Natural Resources Archeology and Historic Preservation Division is moving to new quarters in the Knud Hansen House at #17 Kongen’s Gade in the formerlocation of the Tax Assessor.

Transfer Day Celebration

Yesterday as the 81st anniversary of the transfer of the Danish West Indies to the US if you missed it, WTJX will rebroadcast the transfer day ceremony again on Sunday at 3:00 PM.

Conservation Data Center Has New Database

The Conservation Data Center will unveil its new Biological and Conservation Database on Friday at 3:00 PM in Room 310 of the Classroom Administration Building on St. Thomas. The database provides data on locations, status, legal protection and property ownership for special of conservation concern. There are only 72 databases like this one in the whole US and ours is useful for conservation planning, sharing information regarding flora and fauna in the Virgin Islands.

We have Presidential Scholar Candidate

Ruby Des Jardins was recently named one of 2600 candidates in the Presidential scholars program. This is the highest honor for a graduating senior based on academic performance. Leadership, character and community involvement. Ruby goes to Washington DC in June to receive a medallion.

Lee Carle and the Cats

Lee Carle, our toughened hard news man discovered that the mother cat that came to his house after the hurricane and had kittens and been attacked by a big tough cat and while mama was hurt beyond repair, Lee spent two days pulling boards off the roof until he found two little kittens hiding in the ceiling. He took them in, and gave them names, fed them with an eye dropper and he is looking for homes for two lovely little female black and white kittens. That’s our Lee Carle making good news.

Water Island Report

We planted two false press releases in Lee Carle’s paper pile and he read them as though they were real news – Hahahahaha April Fool

It’s your Good News! You tell us and we’ll tell everyone.