Thursday, April 16, 1998

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Brought to you by: Murphy’s Auto Parts, B&P Market, Island Block, Value Furniture and Discount Travel. Wherever you are planning to go, your travel dollar takes you further at Discount Travel. And Cobex Internet bringing the world of information to the Virgin Islands.

Hess Deal on Table

The Governor has a negotiated deal with Hess that is ready for the Senate. His consultants from Arthur D. Little say it is the best deal they can see so the Governor wants the senate to vote it up or down. Don’t add untenable demands. The issue is whether Hess will continue to get favorable tax treatment and avoid paying tax on oil until it is refined. The Governor says we have until June when the joint venture agreement expires.

Today’s Photo: Disembarking on St. John

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: 77 Degrees at 2 PM Skies: Cloudy, rain occasionally heavy Chance of Showers: Present Water Temp: Perfect Beach and Swimming Conditions: Perfect Sailing and Diving Conditions: World Class! Drinks: Ready for You!

Audit Says Hospital Can get 72 Million

There is an audit report out from the Inspector General regarding the Juan Luis Hospital that says the hosp failed to collect 72 million dollars. The Hospital says the report is old news, they have already changed their procedures to collect these funds and they will not miss them in the future. Electronic billing has been instituted, and new procedures to bill the government for services performed

Governor Held Press Conference

At the Governors press conference yesterday. He says we are ready to issue new bonds, the 1998 series, that will pay the 106 million and do a number of other things. He says the bonds will save debt service, eliminate using rum revenues to cover debt, and create greater financing flexibility in the future. The new bonds are targeted on capital projects, like a new jail, wastewater treatment on St. John, new school construction at Peace Corp School, Lockhart and Boschulte School, also the bonds will pay for landfill projects. He is calling the Senate into a special session to address the offer of these bonds. These bonds do not allow a lot of refinancing since they are tax free bonds. The Governor says they should be rated shortly and he is expecting a bond rating of triple B minus rating.

Cherry Blossom Princess from St. Croix

Jenee James of St. Croix was selected as the 1998 Cherry Blossom Princess for the annual Cherry Blossom Festival which took place from April 4-11 in Washington, D.C. James presided during the week long series of social activities in the nation’s capitol which were held in conjunction with the arrival of spring and the Cherry Blossoms. James, the daughter of Suzette James and former Senator Gerard Luz James II of St. Croix, was officially welcomed as the Cherry Blossom Princess by Virgin Islands Congressional Delegate Donna M. Christian-Green at a Capitol Hill reception attended by Virgin Islanders in the Washington, DC area. Jenee is a 1996 graduate of St. Croix Central High School and is a sophomore at Howard University in the District of Columbia, where she is a member of the volleyball team.

Rain Changes Plans

We have two announcements: On St. Croix there was a lightning strike that hit the Richmond electrical substation and stopped power transmission through Feeders 1, 4, 6, 9, and 10 WAPA is investigating and will restore ASAP. From Four Winds Plaza to Bovoni water is out because of a cut in the line to 5:00 PM From Catholic School to Labor, problem with a value, water is off Alec Dizon at the VI Lottery said that due to the inclement weather, the lottery drawing today is delayed until 1:30 PM today.

Virgin Islands America’s Cup Challenge Gets Apparel Sponsor

GANT USA is a major apparel manufacturer and they have announced major sponsorship of the Team Caribbean America’s Cup Challenge team. The sponsorship includes apparel for the team and a new line of Team Caribbean products what will be sold throughout the USA.

We Have Junior Statesmen and Women

The Junior Statesmen program takes students to special educational programs over the summer at top American universities. We have 10 Junior Statesmen – Sennai Habtes, Joseph Davis both of Antilles School, Daren Jacobs, Zachery Estrada-Peterson, Renee Andre and Laurel Smith all of CAHS. Kurt Marshall and Nicholas Eddy of Ivanna Eudora Kean School and Kurt Williams of Seventh Day Adventist School

Coming Up:

There is a national teleconference about Creating Quality After School Programs at 3:30 in the Video TeleConference Center. Tonight is the Spring Concert with the Ivanna Eudora Kean School Music Dept. including the concert band, jazz band, jazz combo and Chorus at 8:00 PM at Marriott’s Frenchman’s Reef St. Croix Environmental Association has a Run for Trees fund raiser coming April 26th to June 13th with prizes that include a 5 night stay at Maho Bay and Autographed photos of Tim Duncan and Larry Bird. Collect pledges, log mileage and collect pledges. 773-1989 for more information

Water Island Report

Rain on Water island? Imagine what a water island must be. An island is land surrounded by water. What is water island surround with? water! So this island is water surrounded by water. Sounde like a deep puddle to me.

It’s your Good News! You tell us and we’ll tell everyone.