Monday, April 27, 1998

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Brought to you by: Murphy’s Auto Parts, B&P Market, Island Block, Value Furniture and Discount Travel. Wherever you are planning to go, your travel dollar takes you further at Discount Travel. And Cobex Internet bringing the world of information to the Virgin Islands.

Carnival is in Full Swing.

We had Calypso One on Friday and Calypso Two on Sat, then on Sunday we had the coronation of the Carnival royalty and Pan-O-Rama and the action is just getting going, tonight is the opening of the Carnival Village with live entertainment tonight. Tuesday is the pre-teen tramp, and the senior citizen Tramp too, Wednesday is food fair then J’Ouvert on Thursday. Fireworks are coming up on Saturday. This year by the Grucci Family.

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: 88 Degrees at 2 PM Skies: Sunny, Occasional Cloud Chance of Showers: Slight to 10%: Water Temp: Perfect Beach and Swimming Conditions: Perfect Sailing and Diving Conditions: World Class! Drinks: Ready for You!

Grants to the Rescue

Governor Schneider announced over the weekend that the government had secured $875,000 in federal grants to help maintain the Nazareth housing and get the remaining families moved into long term housing solutions. The Dept. of Housing and Urban Development approved the use of the funds to resolve the housing crisis in Nazareth.

Department of Tourism in Chicago

The Virgin Islands Callings program and Asst. Commissioner of Tourism Judith Watson. is on the road right now and they are in Chicago now to raise awareness of visiting St. Croix St. Thomas and St. John.

Frett and Bryan Ask for Week Long Session

Senator’s Frett and Bryan are asking the Senate to devote a full week to the Hess agreement. The agreements have long term, far reaching consequences. They want the Senate to the examination of all ramifications of the Hess Agreement.

HOVIC Responds

Alex Moorehead of HOVIC responded to comments that Hess must not be losing money, but providing copies of the companies tax returns showing the losses. He also notes that their competitors in the states do not have any export taxes, excise taxes or gross receipts taxes in their jurisdictions. He says Hess needs the tax relief to survive.

New Grants for Agriculture.

Sometimes our top officials go off to a conference and come back with good news. The Director of the Agriculture Extension Station was at the spring meeting of the Caribbean Basin Administration group and he came back with two new grants totaling $200,000. They will be studying sheep breeding and the commercial uses of passion fruit. They think we may have a new agricultural product by farming passion fruit.

Big Thank You

Big Thank You from Former Governor Juan Luis for all the prayers and voices of support on behalf of his son Juan Francisco Luis Jr. who is in Puerto Rico recovering from injuries he sustained in an accident.

Where the Money Go?

The Governor announced the signing of additional contracts. He approved $145,000 to Project St. Croix to promote the St. Croix Triathalon, $50,000 to promote tourism in Germany, And a million dollar contract with the Deveraux Foundation to provide care for people referred from Human Services. The Governor also approved another roof reconstruction project, this time in Hospital Grounds area.

Roosevelt David Asks for $15,000 for St. John

Senator Roosevelt David says he is pleased to receive a positive response from the Office of Management and Budget to release $15,000 specifically to advertise St. John. He says St. John has its own unique features which are only readily understood by the residents of St. John. He is hoping to make a special St. John advertising fund.

Deadline for Grants

Is your non-profit group interested in helping to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of Emancipation? The Humanities Council is offering a Proposal Development Workshop to those non-profit groups to help them develop their ideas. All you need is a letter of intent sent to the Humanities Council. Call 776-4044 The deadline is today.


The Port Authority is holding a clean up around the Coast Guard Dock. Today is the deadline to remove your boats, vehicle and debris around the dock area. Elskoe and Associates will meet at Mrs. Elskoe’s residence this evening at 7:00 PM to pick up your costumes.

Water Island Report

Nothin’ Happenin’ – Nuttin. Not even Carnival.

It’s your Good News! You tell us and we’ll tell everyone.