Wednesday, April 23, 1997

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Its Carnival Food Fair Day in the Virgin Islands

The Quelbe tramp last night brought out seniors and lots of not so seniors for an 8pm tramp to Leo and Carmen’s village. The food fair is going on in Market Square with Gwen’s Doll House at Carnival Food Fair. Pan Around the Neck, St. Thomas All Stars and Kiddo Hendricks are performing. We have the food fair live on WSTA later during Brownie’s Show. At 6 Pre-teen Carnival Tramp from Market Square to Carnival Village at 8:00 PM – Positive Image Band at Leo and Carmen’s Village and at Midnight Violators Band begins J’Ouvert The idea is to survive Carnival, not become a bad news story. Please don’t drink and drive. VITRAN will run buses late for Carnival. Through 12:30 each evening busses will travel all routes except the Northside, airport and Bordeaux. Don’t drink and Drive. And stay cool. If someone gets too crazy, help them chill out. UVI has canceled all classes today on both island campuses. Chase Bank branches will all close at noon. Senator Frett is calling on all businesses with parking lots near Carnival Village to open them up and let people park near the village

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: 80 Degrees – It’s Carnival – Hot, Hot Hot Water Temp: 71 Degrees Skies: Crystal Clear, Occasional Cloud Beach: Perfect Swimming: Perfect Diving: Perfect Sailing: Perfect Drinks: Ready

Carnival Village is in full swing.

Don’t miss the hits of the show this year. Booth 14, the Top Secret Drag Racing Club is the first prize winner. Miss Gwen’s Doll House is Second. There are three other prize winners, don’t miss booth 1, 11 and 17. 17 won the Sea chest most creative booth award.

The Governor isn’t writing back

Senate President Lorraine Berry says her staff are coming to work on Thursday after J’Ouvert. Governor Schneider says she’ll be alone. But then Berry says she isn’t getting any mail from the Governors office or the executive branch. She has asked the executive branch Where it stashed the 60 million in government insurance proceeds, which repairs were made for that money? What about the hospital contracts and Property and Procurement deal with its accountant. Berry says no one is answering the tough questions. 04/23/97 8:38 AM

Bryan to Honor two anniversaries.

Senator Bryan is crafting legislation to commemorate two important anniversaries. The Slave Rebellion 1848 is now 150 years ago and the Labor Revolt of 1878 The Fireburn happened 120 years ago. Bryan says both events deserve to be celebrated properly as anniversaries that provide a special sense of accomplishment for the people of the Virgin Islands. 04/22/97 9:43 AM

Coming Up Today:

  • Basketball Clinics are being Sponsored by the Dept. Housing Parks and Recreation starts on the 28th. Registration is going on today. Call 774-2640 
  • The Housing Authority is sponsoring Sailing Classes for a class of 20 youth. The program will be daily from 9 to 3:00 PM – at the lower end of Lindbergh Bay beginning June 23. 
  • It isn’t all Carnival: There is an art opening tonight at Baja El Sol in Mongoose Junction St. John with new works in oil, water color, pastel and collage. That’s at 5:30 PM – Call 774-8900
  • Faith Christian Fellowship has an alternative to Carnival at the Church tonight at 7:30 PM

The Wreck is Gone

The Army divers have been here all week doing salvage work on the wreck of the Claiborne in Krum Bay. After 12 years of clogging the government’s dock and keeping the Krum Bay waterfront looking awful, the Claiborne was afloat yesterday. It was towed to its new job as an artificial reef. Now if they would only do the same with the rest of the wrecks in Krum Bay. Here’s a Big Thank you Army Divers. 04/23/97 8:38 AM

Big Thank you to Alphonso Spencer who works with Dept. of Public Works and was down on WAPA road cleaning up. The change in Krum Bay is visible.

Water Island Report

Nothing Happened on Water Island. Water island is so small that we all take turns being the Village Oxymoron.