Tuesday, April 29, 1997

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Way De Money Gone

Is it a witch hunt by the Daily News or did Mighty Pat really ask how the Carnival Committee spends money. The committee says their books are open to everyone. The newspaper has the Carnival Committee’s 1996 financial statement. So publish it. The Carnival Committee says the Daily News has contributed significantly to the deterioration of life in the Virgin Islands. And the Daily News could and should reverse their trend on demoralizing this community. That’s a quote from the Carnival Committee. 04/29/97 9:35 AM

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: 80 Degrees Water Temp: 71 Degrees Skies: Crystal Clear, Occasional Cloud Beach: Perfect Swimming: Perfect Diving: Perfect Sailing: Perfect Drinks: Ready

Governor Says Good work fighting that Hassel Island Fire

The Governor had words of praise for the fire service, the volunteers, the private businesses and all the folks who stepped up fight the fire on Hassel Island. He said it is times like this when our community is at its best – pulling together in a coordinated effort. He also had thanks to the sponsors of the fireworks despite the unfortunate outcome, Carnival wouldn’t be Carnival without fireworks. On St. Croix brush fires continue today.

Pharmacy for Harwood Complex

Health Commissioner Poblete announced that the Bennie and Martha Benjamin Foundation made a grant to the Charles Harwood Complex to rebuild and stock a new pharmacy This should alleviate the need to go all the way to Frederiksted to have prescriptions filled. The grant has 16,000 for reconstruction and 80,000 for restocking the pharmaceuticals. The new pharmacy should be open by the end of summer. 04/28/97 3:22 PM

Alicia “Chucky” Hansen Introduces Revenue Bill

Senator Hansen says we need to rethink how we market these islands. She went to the Seatrade convention and out booth has a bad attitude, dead presentations and a dead booth. We are wasting our money with this marketing. She wants all the hotel taxes to go to marketing and advertising. She also identified a new source of revenue. We charge a hotel tax, but people who own time s hare hotel rooms are not paying use and occupancy taxes. Hansen says we need a new revenue stream. 04/29/97 9:31 AM.

May is Tourism Month

May 4th through the 10th is National Tourism Week in the Virgin Islands. We have the 3rd Annual Governor’s Tourism Conference on Monday May 5th. On Tuesday May 6th 75 elementary school students will be tourists for a day and it will be Hospitality Employee Day. Wednesday is National Tourist Appreciation Day. Thursday May 8 the Hotel Association hosts a half day seminar on hospitality industry and on Friday May9th there is dancing in the streets and art in the alleys as downtown opens up from 1:00 PM – to 10:00 PM – for a evening extravaganza.

Coming Up:

  • Virgin Islands Public Services Commission is meeting at 10:00 AM in Barbel Plaza. And the Parole Board is going to meet to organize and adopt by-laws.
  • The GERS Pre-retirement workshop scheduled for tomorrow in Orange Grove St. Croix has been postponed. 
  • Chase Foundation Neighborhood Grant up to $1000 are available to all 501©3 non-profit organizations for community development. Deadline is June 6th.
  • Face Welfare Reform Face on. UVI Cooperative Extension has a free job training program starting May 5th through June 25th. Call Fern Callwood 693-1073 
  • The Bennie and Martha Benjamin Foundation has scholarships for students in the medical fields like midwifery, physical therapy, medical technology and medical school. Call Mrs. Jackson at 778-4711 
  • Do you have a young person in your home who wants to learn to dive? There is a free summer diving class on all three big islands beginning May 17th through June 21st. There is an advance Open water class to follow the introduction class. Call 776-2381.

Hey who took the organizer.

Delvin Walters has a problem, He’s here for carnival and someone broke into his car and took his electronic organizer. Delvin needs the information in that organizer back and the information in it is no use to anyone but Delvin. It’s Sharp electronic organizer 156K Delvin has a reward for anyone who turns it. You can bring it to the radio station (Delvin Walters is here until to Thursday May 1st. )

Water Island Report

There was an art class last night on the beach. Thanks for turning off the lights.