Tuesday, April 08, 1997

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


United Way hit 107% of the goal.

The United Way has finished the count and they have received 107% of the goal they set! We were trying to raise $450,000 and they actually have $482,438.78 in pledges. That’s goal plus. Way to go United Way. 04/07/97 2:54 PM

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Tempreature: 77 Degrees Water Temp: 71 Degrees Skies: Crystal Clear, Occasional Cloud Beach: Perfect Swimming: Perfect Diving: Perfect Sailing: Perfect Drinks: Ready

The Heroes Are Right Here Says Governor Schneider

As part of yesterday’s ceremonies for the late Cyril King, Governor Schneider participated in several school programs. The Governor said “You don’t have to go far in this territory to find heroes,” the Governor told the students “Look at your teachers – they are heroes.” 04/08/97 9:14 AM

Senator Hansen Says Crossing Guards and Monitors are Heroes too

Senator Hansen wants to have all crossing guards and school monitors included in the early retirement plan just like officers of the law. Saying the school monitors work under hazardous conditions, they should be included in our government plans like peace officers. 04/08/97 9:23 AM

Delegate Green Announced two grants renewals.

Good news from the delegate. She announced that the Bethlehem House Shelter for the homeless in St. Thomas has a renewed grant of 223,506 for the transitional housing program. The Fish and wildlife service got a grant of $49,297 to do research on the larvae of the spiny lobster. 04/08/97 9:14 AM

Vania Thomas is getting closer to the Pageant

Vania is going to represent the Virgin Islands in the Miss Universe Pageant in Miami in front of 500 million people who will see her on television. Arrangements are being made for 100 supporters to come cheer her on. If you want to join here in Miami, Angela at World Wide Travel is handling the travel arrangements 776-2424

VITEMA is hosting Earthquake Conferences

VITEMA wants you to know about earthquakes. We live on an active earthquake fault, the Anegada Fault. Every 100 years we have had a major quake. The last one was 130 years ago, so we are overdue for a big one. To make your home less hazardous, first identify the hazards. Stay Calm and move away from falling objects. A corner of the house or the bathroom are the safest places due to the heavy wall construction. The Earthquake preparedness seminars continue today on St. John. Thursday at VITEMA Offices on St. Croix. And on Thursday I’ll have more earthquake note for you all week.

Earthquake Preparedness Tips Stay Calm and move away from falling objects. A corner of the house or the bathroom are the safest places due to the heavy wall construction. False ceilings can fall down in an earthquake, making any room with hung ceilings and lights a hazard. If the ground shakes so hard that you can’t stand, a tsunami tidal wave is likely. After the ground stops shaking, move inland and up. You want to get at least 50 feet above sea level to survive the tsunami. Due to the landfill, downtown Charlotte Amalie is likely to suffer serious damage in an earthquake. Same for Havensight and lots of Estate Thomas landfill. Veterans Drive along the harbor front is likely to not survive an earthquake. The landfill and the proximity to the sea make it dangerous in an earthquake. Like hurricane preparedness you should have a few days of food on hand, flashlight, radio, batteries food and water. The three key words are DROP, COVER and HOLD. Drop to the floor, get under safe cover like a heavy table Your refrigerator will move in an earthquake; secure it so it can’t move. Here’s an example: Your kitchen is the most dangerous place in an earthquake due to the number of glass objects that can fly through the air. Add latches to kitchen cabinets to keep the contents inside during an earthquake.

Tricia Homer is Miss All Saints

At a pageant on Saturday, Tricia Homer wowed the crown of 250 with her comedy and singing talent. She performed Fly Fly Away in English Spanish and French. She bested Jade Garee and Irene Tomaski for the title Miss All Saints for 1997.

Twelve Elementary students are winners

The Energy Fuels our Future poster contest is over and there are twelve winners. Their posters will be published on a calendar and distributed throughout the territory. The winners from St. Thomas include: Careen Harrigan of Tuitt School, and Vervene Govia of Kirwin Terrace school.

Property and Procurement Auctioning Cars

The Property and Procurement Dept. is going to hold an auction on Thursday to sell off some motor pool cars. You can see the cars any morning this week at the motor pool in Subbase and at public works in Subbase. The Auction starts Thursday at 10:00 AM

Coral Bay Report

The Guy Benjamin School Steel Band is getting ready to take part in the St. Thomas Children’s Day Parade for the first time ever. Vitelco and Rastafari Dynasty are supporting the effort to bring the whole band to St. Thomas for Carnival. That’s what’s happening in Coral Bay St. John.

Grants Available

The Virgin Islands Anti-Litter and Beautification Commission is going to make grants available to neighborhood groups to clean up, and teach about litter. There are 15 grants up to $5,000 each and must come from neighborhood groups. The deadline is April 30th. 777-3073

Essay Contest

It’s time for the annual essay contest sponsored by Conde Nast. This year it is the 10th anniversary essay. The theme is My Islands Most Extraordinary View. Teachers this is a great writing opportunity for children under the age of 12. Write 250 words describing the most extraordinary view. It’s due May 2nd Teachers can get a information from your school. And we have had a winner twice in the last 3 years. 04/04/97 3:29 PM

Water Island Report

Two items. There is a new web page on the World Wide Web that’s all about Water Island. Go to www.usvi.net/water. The Water Island Artists Association is putting on an acrylic painting demonstration this evening at the Honeymoon Beach Pavilion at 6:00 PM –