Friday, April 25, 1997

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


It’s King Louis Ible the 4th.

The man is a genius, simply a genius. In a calypso that will live in history, Louis Ible Jr. sang his way into his fourth Calypso Monarch Title. The tune that won the crowd was all about the rise from the jungle through slavery to Tiger Woods winning the Master’s Golf Tournament. Ible said it was a last minute song. He wasn’t even sure of the words, but the crowd heard the King sing and Louis Ible Jr. takes his place in history as the only four time Calypso Monarch. Today is the Children’s parade. We’ll have it for you live.. It’s Carnival Baby.

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: 80 Degrees Water Temp: 71 Degrees Skies: Crystal Clear, Occasional Cloud Beach: Perfect Swimming: Perfect Diving: Perfect Sailing: Perfect Drinks: Ready

New Yorker Talent Search Too

Louis Ible may win more than a trip around the region and the Calypso monarch cash – there could be a recording contract in his future, too. Wylie Whisonant announced that the Calypso Competition last evening was the official venue for the New Yorker Magazine new talent search called Rhythm of the Caribbean. It’s not just for the winner, however, if you have music to showcase, send tapes to Island Records in Kingstown Jamaica. 04/25/97 8:17 AM

You Can tell it’s Carnival

The Carnival has filled all the airline seats, gobbled up all the rental cars and most of the hotel rooms are filled too. While the rental cars were full, government offices were nearly empty yesterday. Police and Fire Service personelle had a normal day. Senate President Lorraine Berry congratulated all of the Senate Staff who came to work at the Seante. She said it is testament to the separation of powers that the Legislature staff was of duty despite the Governor’s comments that Berry would work alone.

Law Day – Prayer Day

Governor Schneider is preparing for next week. He issued two proclamations. One makes May 1st, next Thurday, Law Day, when we honor the role of law. There will be a Moot Court and other activities to honor lawyers. The Governor also declared May 1st A National Day of Prayer in the Virgin Islands. A day to think of God and say a few prayers. Odd, isn’t it. Do we get to pray to be spared from the lawyers.

Carnival Schedule

VITELCO is closed for the children’s parade. And they are closed through Monday morning. 912 is open forr emergencies. School is Closed. All Health Clinics are closed. The Rural Health Outreach Van is at the Grand Hotel Square for medical support services for Carnival. The Children’s Parade begins at 10:00 AM Market Square to Lionel Roberts Stadium 6:00 PM – China Dan is in Carnival Village, 8 PM Image Band followed by Imaginations Brass from 10 to 2 AM

Coming Up:

Think about the next big musical event coming to the Virgin Islands – The Gospel in Paradise Music Festival is coming up July 3rd to the 6th at Lionel Roberts Stadium. Call 888 GOSPEL.

More Winners

Louis Ible Jr wasn’t the only winner in last nights Calypso Monarch Competition. Wilbert “Waggy” Brooks took the title for the most humerous calypsonian and was second runner-up, Devon Bachelor was the most improved performer, and had the best social commentary, and the Mighty Pat was a runner up too.

Scholarships Available

The Bennie and Martha Benjamin Foundation has scholarships for students in the medical fields like midwifery, physical therapy, medical technology and medical school. Call Mrs. Jackson at 778-4711

Water Island Report

Nothing Happened on Water Island. How insignificant is Water Island?