US Virgin Islands
[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines
Easter Bonnet Contest
The Easter bonnet parade came off on Sunday with a crown of 250 watching as Senator Gomez and the SPARKS youth group cheered them on. The winner of the competition was Inez Cruz and the runners up were Rita Wheatley, Lydia Hendricks and Rehemia Joshua. Mrs. Cruz wore a floral bonnet with matching jacket and bag that were designed by her son who is a clothing designer in Florida. She gets a round trip ticket to Miami for her good work. Maybe she’ll visit her son.
Vinnie Running for Senate?
Is Vinnie Mohannani running for senate? Well no he says, but he does have a wish list of what people like Vinnie want their senate candidates to promise to the people. Vinnie says it is time for us to expect our elected officials to accept term limits, work on a common agenda, accept a full audit of the senate, and give priority to funding for health, education and public safety. Vinnie may not be running for office, but he sure has some ideas.
Jack’s Bay Plans
Is Jack’s Bay development going forward? The topic of Jack’s Bay comes up tonight at the Legislative Conference room in Frederiksted at 6 PM. In the meantime, the developers are way behind on their mortgage payments and have 65 days to get permits or the land goes back to its former owner.
MSI Supports Carnival
Talk about putting your money where your mouth is, MSI is giving a $250 gift certificate toward the purchaser of material to construct each carnival Village Booth. Tom Brunt urges everyone to invest in the community and specifically in carnival. MSI supports Calypso of the Year Awards, the All Stars Steel Band, the Gypsies Carnival Troupe and the Traditional Mocko Jumbies. Wednesday is the deadline to enter the Calypso of the Year event. Call 776-8800
Nazareth Back on Track
The Nazareth development is going forward again. The federal judge in Washington who heard the latest plea to stop the housing has refused to issue an injunction to stop the work, so the Nazareth housing project is back in go mode.
- Calendar: Addelita Cancaryn Junior High School PTA meeting today at 5:30 at the library with guest Speaker Smokey Frett with some last minute tax tips.
- All participants in Culture Night, King and Queen of the bands; you are meeting at 6 PM at Lionel Robert’s Stadium.
- Oliver school Band Boosters are meeting at 5:30 at Joseph Gomez school.
- Artists are reminded of the upcoming Art in the Alleys. You can display your work. Contact Chamber of Commerce at 776-0100
Oliver School Winners!
Finally this: Those folks at the Emanual Benjamin Oliver school won an award… Again. The Physical Education teacher Ms. Melinee Allen got the kids into such good physical shape that they won the President’s Council on Physical Fitness And Sports State Champion Award for our region. This is two years in a row. The Chase Manhattan Bank is the proud sponsor of the Oliver school and the Bank commends the students and Melinee Allen on acheiving excellence. See, excellence is always good news.