Wednesday, January 21, 1998

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Brought to you by: Red Hook Family Practice, Island Block, and Discount
Travel. Wherever you are planning to go, your travel dollar takes you
further at Discount Travel. And Cobex Internet
bringing the world of information to the Virgin Islands.

Governor Signed the Loan Bill

The Governor announced that he has signed the bill to get 106 Million in
new loans to pay the vendors and tax refunds. Now the public finance
authority has to do their part to bring the money home. In 10 months we
have to make the first loan repayment. How are you going to invest your
tax refund?

Today’s Photo:

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: XX Degrees at XX AM
Skies: Sunny, Occasional Cloud
Chance of Showers: Slight to 10%:
Water Temp: Perfect
Beach and Swimming Conditions: Sooo Perfect
Sailing and Diving Conditions: World Class!
Drinks: Ready

Lorraine Berry Delivers Report on Senate Performance

Lorraine Berry held a press conference this morning. She is issuing a
report on the first half of the legislative session documenting its
successes and failures. She says that a clear pattern of intimidation
and fear that is being developed by the minority. She points to
Confrontational antics and mishandling of the lights and microphones in
a pattern of violence against the due process of the legislative body.

Senate Finance Passes Loans

The Senate Finance committee met yesterday. They approved reprogramming
36 million dollars of old bond proceeds to capital improvement
projects. Among the projects they approved are flood control projects,
renovations at the Schneider Hospital, the Criminal Justice Complex, The
Molasses Pier project, Repairs at several schools and other major
capital infrastructure projects. They heard bad news about the
Frederiksted Pier – it can not be extended. They also heard that the St.
Croix King’s Alley Project is in default. They also approved a
government loan of 2.3 million dollars to fund the Government
Development Bank. They did not approve the bill to raise taxes on long
distance calls.

St. John School of the Arts

The St. John School of the Arts is sponsoring a series of concerts
through March. They are all performances are sold out. School director
Sis Frank says that the School of the Arts is also joining with the
Beacon School program at Julius Sprauve School to provide after school
activities for parents and kids. Back this year is Steel Unlimited the
world famous youth orchestra and they will be offering a adult steel
band instruction through Beacon Schools.

* Sister Emma Cottage to Open

The Dept. of Human Services announces the opening of the Sister Emma
Cottage at the Queen Louise Home on St. Croix. The new facility will
house severely disabled and medically fragile newborns through age 12
and can be home to 6 residents and 2 respite care clients.

Liston Davis Says Drop Out Rate Dropped

You heard the Governor refer to this fact, now Liston Davis is
confirming it with more data. The school drop out rate is down, way
down. The high was 4.83 per cent in 1992-92. The last year’s drop out
rate is down to 1.9% which is only 200 students leaving school. The
drop out rate is the lowest it has been in a decade.

You Can Make Some Good News

You already the bad news about two boys in a serious car accident over
the weekend. The Hispanic community in St. Thomas is gathering in force
to make a real difference for the survivor and the victims. There were
100 people at last night’s meeting at Refrig Air Corp and they are
organizing to help prevent a similar tragedy and help make a
difference. If you want to make some good news, you can make a
difference Call 774-2214

* Grapetree Hotel Coming

There is a new hotel coming on St. Croix. A rebuilt version of the Divi
hotel. The old buildings are being demolished, the new hotel is coming
and it will be a fabulous new hotel on a par with Carambola and the
Westin, but no, there is no plan to put a casino in the new Grapetree
hotel. The Daily News says the hotel construction will be complete in
early 1999 at a cost of nearly 20 million dollars.

How Come WE Are Left Out?

Senator Petrus is asking Delegate Christian-Green to get the Virgin
Islands involved with the tobacco industry settlement. The tobacco
companies are paying the states for illnesses caused by tobacco. The
only states that are not part of this are the tobacco producing states..
All of the other territories are getting in on this multi-billion dollar
settlement. The Virgin Islands is the only territory that is not
involved. Petrus wants us to get our share.

6 Billion People – What’s the story?

Here’s a new essay Contest with a twist. Students can win $500 for
writing an essay focusing on Zero Population Growth. Here’s the twist,
they have to write the plot of any current TV show and make the story
discuss the birth of the world’s 6 billionth person. The deadline is
March 1 1998 Full Contest details are available from ZPG at
1-800-POP-1956 or contact

Water Island Report

I’m sorry, we’re all out of news today. Please come back tomorrow and
see if there is enough news to go around that we can find something for
water island. Please accept our apology for the absence of news yet

It’s your Good News! You tell us and we’ll tell everyone.

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