Thursday, January 15, 1998

US Virgin Islands

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines


Brought to you by: Red Hook Family Practice, Murphy’s Auto Parts, Island Block, and Discount Travel. Wherever you are planning to go, your travel dollar takes you further at Discount Travel. And Cobex Internet bringing the world of information to the Virgin Islands.

The Senate Passed the Loan

The Senate met yesterday to examine the Governor’s loan to pay vendors and tax refunds. They passed the required legislation with 14 voting in favor and one senator who didn’t participate at all. The loan must be repaid within 10 months or it converts into a 5 year loan with a higher interest. The rate is about 6.9%. The rate will be fixed when the loan closes. The government is paying $874,000 in origination fees to the banks. The It took 9 hours and in the end they passed the bill unanimously.

Current Conditions in Paradise:

Temperature: 89 Degrees at 11 AM Skies: Full Sun Chance of Showers: Zero Water Temp: Perfect Beach and Swimming Conditions: So Perfect Sailing and Diving Conditions: World Class! Drinks: Ready

WTJX to Teach Birth Class

WTJX is going to offer a new television program for pregnant parents. Beginning this evening at 8:30 – there’s a show called Getting Together with Mary Lou Burnett. The topic is pre-natal care – nutrition, exercise, relaxation, labor support and child birth delivery. The program airs on Thursday at 8:30 PM – and repeats again on Sunday at 7:30 PM –

Sprauve Library to Get Internet Grant

Good news for St. John. The Sprauve library is getting a grant from the Benton Foundation in Washington to help the arts serve the communities through the Internet. The Libraries Internet access will be open on January 19th and there are classes in Internet access on Wednesday the 28th at 4:00 PM – and on Thursday the 29th at 12:30 PM – and 1:00 PM –

Westin Gets New CEO

Westin Hotel and resorts executives announced the Chief executive of the Westin resort St. John will be Ronald D. Olstad. The new general manager of the Westin comes with a long history in the Westin family and has a distinguished career in operating highly successful and popular hotel resorts.

Governor Schneider Says Alumina Will Get Help

The Governor responded to charges that his veto of the business acts will keep St. Croix Alumina from reopening. The Governor assured VIALCO that he will assist them with the company licenses and permits they need. He doesn’t object to the business acts in principle, but they need more fine tuning before he’ll will sign.

Department of Planning and Natural Resources Audit

The Auditors always tell us where we can improve and at DPNR the task is to collect fines and fees. The audit report says the dept. left $155,069 in fees uncollected. The Auditors also say the department needs to tighten up its building permits division. Senator Frett is pointing to another audit of the IRB that shows 12 million in uncollected taxes. Frett says the department is understaffed and this needs immediate attention.


Good news from the East End Lions Club, The raffle winners are in, 5th prize goes to Junior Dyett, 4th prize, $200 gift certificate from Raffi’s goes to Malcolm Morgan, 3rd prize is a round trip to St. Maarten and that goes to Frederick Warden, Eunice Duggins wins second prize, a 19″ color TV and first prize, a round trip to Miami goes to Anthony Frances.


The Job Service Division on St. Croix will be closed at 1:00 PM for a staff training workshop. They will be back tomorrow morning. µ St. John AARP will meet at 5:00 at the Julius Sprauve School. µ Virgin Islands Board of Nurse Licensure will meet at 10 AM at the Board of Nurse Licensure Office Kongen’s Gade #3 µ Library Association of St. Thomas St. John is holding the monthly meeting at 5o’clock at Mackenzie’s, American Yacht Harbor

Today is a double birthday – Martin Luther King Jr. and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority

Today is the birthday of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority and it’s Martin Luther King Jr. also Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority was founded in 1908 on the Campus of Howard University that’s 90 years ago. They says they are very proud to be sharing a birthday with Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. since he devoted his life to the struggle for civil rights. Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority salutes Dr. King and we will strive to keep his legacy alive and urge everyone toto keep the dream alive. Their founders day ceremony is coming up February the 20 to 22nd. That’s Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority making good news.

Math Stars!

Good news for the students of Joseph Sibilly School. They took the American Jr. High School Mathematics Examination and they did well. We have winners. Third place goes to Vincent Dawson, Second place to Lia Ortiz and Top mathematician in the Sibilly school is Nicole Potter.

Water Island Report

Rip Van Winkle has nothing on us. We have people on Water Island who are still asleep.

It’s your Good News! You tell us and we’ll tell everyone.