Wednesday, 31 Jan 1996

US Virgin Islands 

[singlepic id=4817 w=180 h=40 mode=web20 float=left]Good morning! This is Alex Randall with Good News Headlines 


The hurricane destroyed our cable TV system, but now we are going to have new options for getting television signals.

St. Croix cable has applied to the Public Services Commission for the right to offer cable on St. Thomas and St. John. They say they can have cable up and working within 60 days of getting a license. You have a choice, QuickPic’s is going to offer direct to home digital satellite television. They will offer 100 channels over a 30 inch satellite dish starting mid-March. 1-31

The University has a preliminary plan to reduce costs.

The plan calls for eliminating four degree programs, in agriculture, Caribbean Studies, social work, and Spanish for a saving of $124,000.

 Senator Bellardo DeO’Neal wants the senate to pass a Dropout Prevention Act

Designed to keep young people in school, and if they drop out, give them a special educational program so they get some job skills anyway. 1-31 If you are self employed and confused about the paperwork for your taxes, the US Internal Revenue Service is hosting an open house on Thursday from 9 to 5 at the Federal Building. They’ll show you the filing and record keeping requirements you need to know.

 What do you do if 200 pre-school children loose their pre-school.

To date, not much. Senator Gomez is working on finding a temporary home for the 200 kids who used to go to Sugar Estate and Minnetta Mitchell Headstart centers. The centers were decimated in the storm and still have no home.

Here comes a phone number with a job attached.

The good news is that the Immigration and Naturalization Service has job openings for new agents. The bad news, applications close today. Here’s a phone number to apply for one of these jobs 912-757-3092.

Community Notes:

  • Eudora Kean HS PTSA executive Committee is meeting this evening at 6 PM at McDonalds in Tutu Mall. 
  • The Town of Frederiksted is holding a town meeting his evening at 5:30 at Fort Frederick. There’s food and drink.

The Governor is a hero in New Jersey.

After the New Jersey governor complained that we had an advertisement that spoke ill of NJ, our governor had the ad pulled from the air. Now the NJ legislature has passed a bill commending Governor Schneider for “his friendly and gracious gesture” and for his “dedication to public leadership”. The commendation noted that the economies of NJ and our territory are based on tourism. That’s Governor Schneider’s good news.

Remember, it’s your good news. You tell us, & we’ll tell everyone.